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Two days later...

"Cam this why I told you to stop speeding " Rocc said as they sat on the curb as the police searched the car they stole earlier.

"Right nigga we fucked up" Jay said.

"You niggas get off my dick. If Blu never would've had a warrant we would've been up out of here" Cam said making Blu smack her lips and mug him.

"BITCH YOU DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A FUCKING LICENSE AND THEY RAN MY NAME AND SAID IM CLEAN" she yelled. She was irritated and she felt like Cam was always getting them caught up.

"Man I'm getting some time. My gun in there. That shit is dirty as hell" Rocc said as he held his held low.

"Fuck this" Blu mumbled as she attempted to take her phone out her pocket with her cuffs on.

After the third try she got it out and FaceTimed Paris since that was the last person she called.

"Hello" Paris said with only her forehead. Jay heard her voice making him scoot closer to Blu.

"Aye we in a little bit of trouble" Jay said making Paris smack her lips.

"What type of trouble" she asked.

"Like the type of trouble that got you in cuffs" he said making her sit up.

"What did y'all do" Paris asked.

"We didn't do nothing. It's cuz we black" Jay said making Blu look at him.

"Shut the fuck up" she said making him smack his lips, but what did he do? Shut the fuck up.

"We got pulled over in a stolo" Blu said.

"Hold on Imma call dad" she said before hanging up making Jay smack his lips.

"She not calling back" he said as a officer approached them.

"Who was the driver" he asked making Blu smack her lips.

"Who the fuck was in the driver seat when you pulled us over" she asked. He ignored her before repeating his question.

It was that one with that orange on" another officer said making him look at Cam.

"You know this car was reported stolen earlier this morning" he asked making Cam shake his head no.

"Stand up for me" he said making Cam stand up. He emptied his pocket before escorting him to the cop car.

"Clear" a officer said as he closed the car doors making a smile appear on Rocc's face.

"God is good" he said making Jay and Blu look at him.

"Nigga we still gotta go downtown" Blu said making him shrug.

"Shit all I got is some weed on me. That's a minor" he said making Blu remember she had some pills in her pocket.

"I'm clean" Jay said.

"Shit" she mumbled as a officer came and stood here up. He emptied her pockets before finding the baggie making him show it to her.

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