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Next Morning...

Blu sat up in the empty bed before rubbing her eyes. She grabbed her phone off her pillow seeing no notifications.

Just how she liked it.

Putting her phone in her Nike sweats, she grabbed her shirt off the edge of the bed and put it on before opening the room door.

She walked in the living room seeing Liyah rolling a blunt with Beri sitting next to her watching reruns of Love and HipHop Atlanta.

"Goodmorning" Liyah said making Blu nod before walking to the kitchen seeing Keena making her some Waffles.

"You know there's gonna be a party tonight" Keena asked making Blu nod before grabbing a water.

"You going" she asked.

"Hell yeah, I'm ready to throw this fat ass on somebody nigga" Keena said as she took her food out the microwave.

Blu shook her head before opening the fridge and grabbing a handful of grapes. She walked in the living room and sat in the loveseat.

"Bitch two puffs and pass it" Beri said as Liyah lit the blunt.

"Girl fuck you with a capital F. I rolled this bitch" she said before hitting it as Keena sat in the middle of them.

"I got the weed for us dumb bitch" Beri said making Liyah roll her eyes.

"So he my plug" she said as Keena bite one of her waffles.

"Both of y'all shut the fuck up" she said as she chewed making both of them mug her.

"Girl fuck you" they said at the same time. Liyah hit the blunt again before passing it to Beri.

"Ke you eating that waffle funny as fuck" Beri said making Blu look at them. Keena was holding the waffle as if it was a piece of toast.

"Bitch you look funny as fucl" she clapped back making Liyah laugh.

"Yo momma" Beri said before blowing smoke in her face. Keena waved the smoke away before counting to eat.

"Who hitting this" Beri said putting the blunt in the air making Blu snatch it out her hand.

"What the fuck is wrong with you" Beri asked with a mug.

"That high running out" Liyah mumbled making Blu flip her off as she took a long pull from the blunt.

"Bitch why Dontae blowing my phone up" Liyah as she declined a call only for it to start ringing again.

"Answer it" Beri said making Liyah roll her eyes before answering it.

"Hello" she said making her voice sound like she just woke up.

"Wait you outside" she asked before quickly standing up and going to the back. She came back as she put some jeans on with they phone still on her ear.

"I ain't seeing no other niggas. What you talking about" she asked as she buttoned her pants.

"Lil liar" Keena mumbled as Blu passed her the blunt.

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