12. Breakfast at midnight

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─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Iris's POV

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

3:00 am.

That was what glowed in fluorescent red on the alarm clock on my bedside table. I should be asleep right now dreaming about eating salted caramel ice-cream but instead, I'm here putting on my duck slippers about to sneak out of my room.

I should really stop doing my investigations in the middle in the night, but it makes me feel more like a secret agent.

I tiptoed down the corridor making sure to not make a sound I wouldn't want to explain why I'm walking around on the middle of the night, but it's not like I'm scared of the boys.

I'm terrified.

I probably should have come up with a better plan but I thought inspiration would strike in the heat if the moment, guess I was wrong.

I'll just go back to the door there's probably something that could help lead me to whatever it is I need to find that would help me find the charm, walking up the third set of stairs I passed the library and I was about to get toward the door when I heard grunts coming from one of the doors along the hallway.

Light poured out of the first door so I peeked my head inside and saw Valerius climbing through the window. Pushing my nerves aside I slowly pushed the door open and walked in the room.

Looking at him I saw a small cut that rested on his cheek and his knuckles all bruised. He must have heard my footsteps approaching him because his head snapped up. At first, he looked relieved, probably because it wasn't one of his brothers, but when his gaze settled on me his eyes filled with frustration.

He better fix his face I could go snitch right now.

"What are you doing here, why are you even awake," he whispered harshly.

"I could ask you the same thing,"

It's as if he suddenly just remembered that he just got caught sneaking into his own house looking like he'd just been jumped by 10 men. Okay maybe not ten men but he was still hurt, when I looked at him I saw that he had a bruise forming on the bottom of his jaw.

"What happened?"

Valerius glared at me, "I don't see how it has anything to do with you,"

Not wanting to start an argument I just nodded my head and walked out of the room, I'd have to do more exploring tomorrow seeing as though Valerius knew I was up.

I was heading back to my room but then I felt hungry, turning around I went into the kitchen to get a snack as I walked in I saw Valerius, how wonderful.

He was doing everything so slowly as if it hurt him to move, surely if he can go out fighting and sneak in a house at goodness knows what time on a Sunday morning than surely he should be able to fix himself up.

But when I looked at his face he had that same distant look he had in his eyes the first time I was here, he's been so rude to me and I never said anything back at first I thought it was because he was Amalea's son but it's not. I know that look, I've worn that look.

He's not okay, he's hurting.

That doesn't give him an excuse to go round hurting other people but it makes me understand a bit more, then again I could just be assuming things and he might just hate me.

I looked around in the freezer and saw an ice-pack I took it and wrapped it in a towel, I walked over to the counter where he sat. Letting the ice-pack slide over the counter I told him to put it on his jaw.

As I pulled the first aid kit away from him he tried to argue and tell me he could do it but his protests fell silent on my ears, he had more pride than he knew what to do with.

I picked up the cotton ball and dipped it the alcohol, I dabbed it gently along his knuckles letting small apologies fall from my lips as he hissed in discomfort. I wiped the small cut in his cheek, taking a dinosaur plaster I was about to put it on his cheek but glared at me daring me to try it.

"Don't fucking try it,"

"You really shouldn't curse so much,"

I cleared everything away and took out two bowls, looking at me he scrunched his eyebrows.

"Coco Pops or Frosties?" I questioned as I opened the cabinet but he just rolled his eyes at me.

Who puts cereal on the top shelf.

"I'll get the milk, why don't you get the cereal," he shook his head but I saw the corners of his mouth turn upwards.

Boy you ain't slick.

"I know you weren't about to pour the milk first," he deadpanned.

"No, I just figured that would be the only way to get you to talk to me,"

"Where were you?" No answer

"So what's your favourite colour," He just stared at me.

"Well, mines beige and light brown," as he looked down at his bowl and scrunched his eyebrows at my answer.

"Have you travelled a lot?" I tried, "I'd love to travel one day I want to go everywhere but the place I want to go the most is probably Paris,"

I went to scoop more cereal but saw it was all gone but, walking to the sink I washed my bowl and went to leave the kitchen.

"Just so you know I won't tell anyone, but you shouldn't be sneaking around in the middle of the night, and if you're going to you should at least stay safe,"

He wasn't mean this time, progress.

When I noticed he wasn't going to say anything I put the milk back he can do the cereal because I'm not climbing on the counter. Walking to the kitchen door I called out a quiet bye and was going back to my room to try and sleep.

"Goodnight Iris," he called softly.

- x -

Author's note: who was that and what have they done with Valerius?

Also first time writing from Iris's POV what did you think?

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