22. Confrontation

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─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Iris's POV

─── · 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

I missed the bus.

I could wait for Valentino but he's at basketball practice. Lorenzo's at the skate park - I swear he lives there - and I have no idea were Valerius is.

I'll just walk.

Letting my feet guide me I saw kids playing out with their friends. Their parents not far behind and I felt something pull at my heart.

I shouldn't be jealous I should want kids to be happy, I do want kids to be happy, I just wish I was one of those kids.

People say that you should be proud for what you've gone through. That it makes you stronger, and I hate that.

I was a kid I never wanted to be stronger I wanted to be safe.

People sit there and makes comments and tell me how I'm supposed to feel, that I should act a certain way as if they can mould me into something I'm not. They either see me as strong and invincible or timid and weak. Why can't I just create what I want to be without there being rules and regulations.

A survivor. That's what they call kids like me. Strong. Another thing they call kids like me as if they know me below the surface.

Strong. I laugh to myself and wipe away the stray tear I didn't even know had fell. I keep walking I'm almost at the house.

Funny how people expect me to be some sort of invincible teenager. I barley a survivor I don't know how they expect me to be a superhero.

* * *

Laying in my bed I heard the front door open, when I got home no one was here. I called Valerius and he was picking up Nario and said he would be home later. At first he asked why I sounded so sad and I just told him it was nothing.

He said he didn't believe me then he told me that they'd bring back ice-cream.

I ran downstairs to go get my ice- cream but was disappointed when I saw it was just Dante.


Me and Dante. Dante and I. Alone. So there's two ways this could go. He could murder me or we could just ignore each other like the civilised human beings that we are.

Unfortunately for me he's not a civilised human being and apparently neither am I.

Slamming his keys down he strutted last me pushing my shoulder in the way.

"You could've just said excuse me or walked around me if I was really in your way,"

"Sorry your highness," he mocked with an exaggerated bow.

"It's fine,"

If looks could kill I'd be six feet under right now.

"You know what your problem is," he started.

"No but I bet your going to tell me,"

I take it back I don't want siblings, well I do, just not him.

"You can strut around here all you want. Act as if you belong as if you fit in here, but you don't. Nobody wants you, your parents didn't want you,"

Don't listen.

"They couldn't wait to get rid of you,"

Mum was just hurt.

"And soon enough we'll get rid of you to because you're not good enough for anyone to want to stick around."


He turned around and started to walk away.

"You know what the funny thing is about people like you," he stopped but stayed facing the other way as I spoke, "you'll pretend as if you hate everyone as if you're so angry at the world and everything in it but really you're angry at yourself, your mad that you can't bring Amalea back, your mad that I'm here... but your mad because you know it's not my fault."

His knuckles clenched and unclenched as he listened to me speak, one foot was turned outwards it's as if he was having a mental argument with himself about whether he should turn and face me or not.

Truth is I didn't think he should, I didn't want him to look at me, I didn't want to see the pain in his eyes. The eyes that looked exactly like hers. Out of all of them he resembled her the most.

"I'm sorry you're hurting and clearly can't talk to anyone about how you feel but that doesn't mean you have to take it out on other people, one day you might go to far." his hands stayed clenched.

"And you won't be able to take it back," I finished.

He stayed there, he didn't face me, he didn't say anything. He just stood there.

Then he walked away.

I jumped and placed my hand on my heart as the front door slammed open, "Ice-cream," Nario screamed.

Val locked the door, "What did we miss?,"

Are you actually kidding me.

- x -

Author's Note: Who's POV do you want to see?

Brotherly Love Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora