41. You look familiar

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─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Third Person

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

(a/n - the alessi family is the other Italian Mafia its mentioned in chapter 20 )

(a/n - also like halfway down the chapter when it says 6 hours later I was listening to music the whole way through writing that so I've put the song up because it probably won't be as good without it)

I talk to much but this song yeah this is the best version for writing for me but a good version is the picture with the girl wearing jeans and the flowers hooked in her belt loop.

If it doesn't make sense go back and read chapter 33 hopefully that will help.

Donatello and Nazaire were in their study along with some of their most trusted men, though they still made sure to analyse their every move because they weren't oblivious to the fact that the biggest betrayals always come from the people closest to you.

That's why it hurts more because besides the fact that they went out of their way to betray you be it minor or significant you feel an ache at the fact that someone you once smiled with, told your secrets to let them hold you as you cry was capable of turning their back on you even for a second, even thinking about it was a betrayal in itself.

Though it was human nature, none of us were as good as we lead ourselves to believe. One of the hardest things for people to accept was that we were never nice people, we learned we couldn't be because nice people got walked all over. Though there were a few that were good people the difference was very fine and only few could understand.

Regardless, good or bad, kind or mean, we were all capable of unleashing the worst parts of ourselves.

The hidden bully that we covered up as our inner critic.

Because one of the easy things we as humans could do was whisper pretty lies to each other, smother one another with brutal kisses that leave wounds when their lips detach because even lies unfold revealing the truth and the truth is most of us are capable of betrayal because most if not all have a price.

And though you may think I would never, if your closest family member was in danger be it a grandma, parent, sibling or cousin, aunt or uncle most of us would be singing like the birds in a choir on an early summers morning.

Then we have the ones that say my blood family doesn't mean anything to me as if that's the only family we're allowed. But what about your best friend or that old lady you always see in the cafe that smiles at you, the man who gave you a free chocolate bar at the shop because he thought you needed something happy in your life. If they were gone because of you you would feel the guilt loom over your head.

Because believe it or not we all have someone who saves us from ourselves.

But then there are the people who save themselves, the ones who either have never had anyone or lost someone, they think that because they're alone they're the most loyal because they've got no one close to be leveraged. But they forget the fact that everyone's got a price and theirs can be money, or something even more dangerous... power.

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