Why Did You Do It? Ch. 6 (PICTURE OF KATE)

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Hey everyone! I'm feeling nice so I'm uploading 2 chapters 2night X) You know why? bc this one is short and doesn't have any jared in it but the nxt one has all jared in it!!! Im sure you'll like it:)

Ive decided tht to enter in the watty awards and see how it goes from there X) if i lose its not like im losing anything!

Id love everyones opinions on the cast wen i have 2 make one? let me Know X)

ALSO: Ive decided to upload every Monday and Thursday:) and im not gona upload 2 chapters evry time! jst feeling generous<333

keep writing!


Chapter Six

          Angie just couldn't believe it. She walked back into the house like a zombie, and thought about how much of a beast Jared had turned into. She slowly moved through the house, not even caring who heard her. She trailed sand in, and just walked in straight to the bathroom.

          She stripped off her sandy pajamas, and stepped into the warm shower. She washed off the sand, and cleaned out her hair. Soon Angie was just standing in the shower so that she could cry without anybody hearing her.  She felt the tears sliding down her cheek, but let them.

          When she got out of the shower, she wrapped a towel around her, and grabbed her clothes. She walked into the hallway, and stopped at her door. Angie turned around, and saw Jared standing in his room. He was staring at her as he changed out of his sandy shirt. Another tear slid down her cheek, and she quickly rushed into the room. Angie saw Jared's head hang before she slammed the door closed.

          Angie checked her time on her phone, and noticed it was early in the morning, so it wouldn't matter if she got changed. She put on jean shorts, and a blue t-shirt that hugged her waist.

          She left the room, and went downstairs. It was quiet. Angie tried hard to ignore the silence by making herself a bowl of cereal. She sat at the table alone, and ate quietly.

          A while passed, and soon Kate came downstairs. She looked fresh, and like she had been up for hours. "Good morning Angie," Kate smiled.

          "Morning Katherine," Angie sighed.

          "Something wrong?" Kate asked.

          "I don't feel like talking about it now," Angie grumbled.

          Kate shrugged, and made herself a bowl of cereal too. "Jared got in late again," Kate sighed, "That means we won't see him for most of the day."

          "Is that how he always spends his summer?" Angie asked.

          "Yup," Kate said, "Eats, sleeps, parties, and then ruins some property. Then somewhere in there is jail."

          Angie nodded, and gripped her spoon tightly. Kate looked up at her and gave a weak smile. "I don't know what we'll do now though," She muttered, "Because if he gets arrested again, we won't be able to bail him out or pay for the damages. My Mom won't be able to afford it anymore."

          "I'm sorry," Angie whispered, and Kate just shrugged.

          "Would you like to come look around town with me today?" Kate asked, "I know you're sister's might be coming, but I think we'll be home in enough time to see her when she comes."

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