Why Did You Do It? Ch. 22

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Thanks so much for the awwesome support everyone! NO THIS IS NOT THE LAST CHAPTER! still more to come;)

Thanks to the above for the sweeet cover!

IMPORTANT: Check out my new story "Silence Is Golden?" And I'll love you forever and ever X)



Chapter Twenty Two

          The Officer sat in his car, eating a sandwich, while Jared painted away his beautiful painting. “Can I take a break?” Jared complained.

          “Nope,” Ridly answered, “You still have much to cover.”

          Jared sighed, and continued to paint over his painting. It felt a little bit of heartache, but it was either bye-bye painting or hello jail. Now that Jared was turning his life around, he didn’t want to start it off in jail. Plus, how would he be able to see Angie if he was in jail? Would Angie continue to talk with him if he was in jail?

          “Who’s that?” Ridly asked, sitting up in his car.

          A car slowly pulled to a stop, and Jared watched in astonishment as Angie got out of the car. “Hey it’s the pretty lady,” Ridly said.

          Angie blushed, “I don’t know why people keep calling me that.”

          “Because it’s true,” Jared told her, “Why are you here? Something wrong?”

          “No, I just thought you’d be lonely,” She shrugged, “So I brought lunch and an extra paint brush.”

          “Oh no,” Ridly said, “This is Jared’s punishment. Jared will continue it. Alone.”

          “Please,” Angie begged, “I won’t be a bother.”

          “I don’t know,” Ridly muttered.

          “What if I promise never to do anything bad again,” Jared said, “Huh? I promise. Just let Gela paint with me.”

          “Ever again?” Ridly pressed.

          “Never again,” Jared promised, looking at Angie, “I promise.”

          She blushed again.

          “Alright, she can help,” The Officer sighed, “But I’m holding you to that promise Shay.”

          Jared smiled, and said, “Come on Angel.”

          Jared had never called Angie Angel before, but it just seemed to fit. She was his Angel, and he knew that she didn’t mind the name because she smiled widely at him. Then she got her brush, and ran over to paint with him.

          So they painted side by side for hours. At one point, Jared turned to her, and ran the paint brush down her face. “Jared,” She laughed, and then ran her paint brush across his face.

          “Great Gela,” He smiled, “Now when I kiss you, you’ll have paint all over your lips.” She leaned up anyway, and smacked her lips against his. When she pulled away, he grabbed the back of her neck, and pressed his lips against hers again.

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