Why Did You Do It? Ch. 2 (PICTURE OF ANGIE)

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Hey Guys!

this is the newest chapter XD thanks for all the feedback and stuff! You guys rock! So here's the next chapter! sorry these chapters r going to be kind of short bc when i first wrote this i made the chapters rele short~  only lik 5 pages on word! So please dont hate me XD

COMMENT and VOTE and I'll upload quickly!

thanks bunches!


Ps. the cover is only until i upload more chapters bc CmBCherry doesnt kno wats going to happen yet ahah so she cnt make the cover! but anyway she made the cover for right now and she promised 2 make another one later on! so check out her work if you havent already XD she's awesome!


        (jst pretend she has brown eyes with greeen specks!;))

On with the new chapter:)



Chapter Two

          The roads were clear, which just pissed Angie off. She was stalling as best should to get to the shore house and traffic was her only hope. Angie needed time to think and sort things out before she got back to the shore house. With Angie's luck though the roads were perfectly clear.

Angie couldn't believe she was doing this. She couldn't believe she was coming back. Coming home.  The shore had always been home, and when she left for good, a part of her was ripped out.

          Now Jess, Angie's Mom, was forcing her to go back. Because Jess couldn't be there, Angie had to. She turned the wheel, and saw a familiar sign. WELCOME TO SEABROOK it said in large bold letters. The sign made her frown, because there was weird graffiti on it- a large big circle with the letter J in the middle. Angie wondered what it could possibly mean, but didn't focus on it to long.

          Angie drove through familiar streets, noticing the houses and stores that never changed. Angie was close to turning the car around and heading home. She didn't want to be there. Even though Izzy promised to be down one day soon, Angie still thought this was a really bad idea. Izzy was the only one who knew how awful this trip could turn out. As they grew older, they grew closer. Angie told her everything, and Izzy felt her pain. She promised she would be there in time.

Finally Angie had to look at the side of the road, and count the mailboxes. The old house in Seabrook didn't have a number on the mailbox, in fact hardly any of them did. So she slowly drove down the road, and counted out the mailboxes.

          Then she came to lucky number 13. Her breath caught in her throat, and she gripped the steering wheel tightly. "You can do this Angie," She whispered to herself, "It's not that hard. Just put on your big girl panties, and drive down the driveway."

          So Angie pressed her foot onto the gas pedal, and slowly turned down the gravel driveway. It was rocky, but then again, it always had been.  She held tightly to the wheel, and took in deep breaths.

          As Angie got further down the driveway she realized she couldn't do this. She couldn't be here. She was about to turn around when Maya and Katherine came bursting out of the house with wide smiles on their faces.

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