Why Did You Do It? Ch. 19

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Hey Lovies!!!!

   You guys are so awesome and funny! Some of the comments people wrote to get me to upload made me smile.....so here it is! Don't get too used to it though.........

People are asking about how many chapters lefttt.......there's about six or seven chapters left but im also going to include bonus chapters!!

Love you all! Hope you're happy X)


ps. thanks to the above for ANOTHER awesome cover<33333


Chapter Nineteen

          The house was filled with people Angie didn’t know. Ethan pulled her through the crowd, introducing her to people. How could I not know these people? She thought she knew everyone in Seabrook.

          These people must have been hiding, because Angie had never met such vulgar people. These people had millions of tattoos, piercings, and grimy dirty reaching hands. Angie stuck close to Ethan. That made him smile wider, and put his arm around her.

          “Who’s this?” A guy asked, checking Angie out.

          “MY date,” Ethan sneered, “So get your paws away.”

          “Come on Ethan,” The guy laughed, “Share a little.”

          Ethan looked at Angie, and then the guy. Angie wanted to plead Ethan that she didn’t want to be shared, but Angie wasn’t that childish. “Sure, I’ll share,” Ethan smiled, “This is Angie Nicolson.”

          “I’m Paul,” He introduced.

          “Are you one of Jared’s buddies?” Angie asked, batting her eyelashes.

          “You know the J man?” Paul howled, with a huge smile.

          “She’s living with him,” Ethan grumbled.

          Paul’s eyes bugged out of his head. “You dirty bird,” He laughed, poking Angie. Angie’s face got red.

          “He’s an old family friend,” Angie explained quickly, “I’ve known him since we were in diapers. There’s nothing between us.”

          Paul’s smile faded, but there was still a little smirk on his face. “Alright, alright,” He laughed, “You need to get away from Ethan, come find me!” Ethan gave Paul a hateful smile, but Paul just walked away laughing.

          “Don’t listen to him,” Ethan whispered in her ear.

          Angie nodded, and they continued walking through the party. Angie didn’t see Jared, but she didn’t see Lisa either. She hated the thought of Jared getting drunk again when he just got over a big hangover.

          Ethan handed Angie a red plastic cup, and then took one for himself. Angie opened her mouth to say something, but decided not to. Ethan looked at her, and waited for her to take a sip. So slowly Angie brought the cup to her lips, and took a sip.

          It tasted awful. Angie had to do her best to resist throwing up. Ethan smiled at her, and then took a long sip of his. “Don’t get drunk,” She warned, “You’re driving me home.”

          Ethan gave her a sly smile, and just took another sip. Angie took another sip without realizing what she was doing. Then she took another sip. Before she knew it the two of them had finished their drinks. Ethan reached for another and then a few more. “Why are all the girls staring at me?” She murmured.

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