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"Help flash Destroy satellite!" I said as I sat in the speed lab writing in the time notebook." check!"

After telling team Flash our identity, they rushed us back to the flash museum or "S.T.A.R. Labs" to confirm it through a D.N.A. test. Now they just needed to figure out a way to send us back home. Everyone had dispersed as they frantically searched for a way to "fix" Nora's speed and get the time machine they had working; Leaving Nora and me alone.

"Send time machine home...check!" I said, continuing to write in the time language. "Oh, Nora, did you remember to grab the negative tachyon enhancer?" I said, looking up from the journal.

"Check!" she said, pulling it from her pocket and putting it in her gauntlet." this should buy us some time before they figure out nothing wrong with my speed!"

"I hope so, although we're working against some of the best minds in central city!" I replied as I finished writing.

"You're going to jinx it saying that!" Nora said defensively.

"I'm just saying, we have at least a few days!" I said jokingly.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Nora said, walking away.

"Hey, where are you going?" I questioned, following her.

"I heard mom say that dad was at C.C.P.D.I figured he could probably use some help from a fellow C.S.I." Nora said over her shoulder as she continued walking." wanna come?"

I tried striking a conversation with him, but I didn't know what to say. He also doesn't seem happy that we're here in the past.

"Um no-" I said, staggering." but we're not here to hang out in the past. We're already pressed on time, so we should be trying to make ripples every chance we get, and splitting up is-"

"Suit yourself-" Nora said before disappearing right before my eyes.

"-not a good idea!" I finished annoyed.

I hid the time notebook in my backpack before making my way through the long halls of S.T.A.R. Labs. I guess I was alone for the time being or until Nora came back. I eventually found the cortex room where the rest of team flash was discussing. It went silent as their eyes landed on me. Mom and Caitlyn were at the monitors while Papa Joe and uncle wally stood closer to the wall. Ralph quickly exited the room, mumbling something about an Indiana Jones movie. Lastly, Cisco was sitting at the computer slumped in a chair, looking pretty pale in the face.

"Uh, Hi," I stuttered, waving my hand as most muttered hi back.

"Hi, Dawnelle," mom said excitedly.

"Dawn is fine!" I replied awkwardly.

"I might be seeing double of everything today, but I'm sure there were two of you earlier!" Cisco said before continuing to stare at the ceiling.

"Nora went to C.C.P.D. with um, with-"

"Dad, Barry!" mom finished for me with a peculiar look on her face.

"Uh yeah, sorry I-I lost my train of thought!" I said, trying to sound convincing.

Everyone stared at me confused, which made me even more nervous.

"Okay, well, I'm going to talk to the legend to see if they have any ideas on Nora's speed. I'll catch up with you guys later!"uncle wally said before leaving the room.

Papa Joe also left, stating it was time for his nap, and Caitlyn followed to run more tests on Nora's samples. This left me, mom, and a dazed  Cisco in the room. I began wandering the room, amazed at all of the ancient technology. I could literally feel mom's eyes watching me, but I pretended not to notice. I ended up in the front of the room, where the flash suit usually sits on an empty mannequin in the future. I saw this suite back home as a shell used to harbor a Central City hero lost in time. However, now that I know the truth about who was really behind this suite, it has an entirely new meaning, one that I'm not sure how I feel about yet.

"So dawn!" mom said, drawing me out of my thoughts as she stood next to me.

" is that your nickname that dad and I gave you when you were little... kinda like Barry- because his name is a bit of a mouth full?" mom said awkwardly as I kept my eyes forward." I mean not saying your name is a mouth full- it's beautiful- I guess- I want to know how we-"

"I don't think we should talk about stuff that can-"

"Possibly mess up the timeline!" mom finished as I nodded."yeah, but I'm sure we can find a way around that, right? We don't have to talk about the timeline directly-"

I nodded and smiled awkwardly as mom went on and on.

"Maybe we could play a game or-"

"Dawn?" Caitlyn said, from her lab."If you are not busy, I could use some more blood samples from you and Nora."

" No, I don't mind!" I said, following her back to the lab.

I could feel mom's eyes on me again as I walked away. She said something about waiting there until I returned, but I never did. I wasn't mad at mom ; unlike Nora, I was just disappointed and unsure if I could trust her or not. Finding out the one person that you trust lied hurts a lot. Especially when she promised never to lie to us, that was a lie also.


Later that day, after Nora spent most of it ditching me for Flash, I was finally able to catch up with her. We were in what I came to know as Cisco's lab, and Nora was going on and on about hanging out with the Flash.

" I even got to see the C.S.I. lab!" Nora continued." Sure it's a bit on the archaic side, but it was the coolest thing I've ever seen. I was literarily standing in our dad's, aka the Flash's original C.S.I. office; how schway is that?" Nora said, wandering around the room before stopping at a photo of team flash.

"Wow, your living every creepy fangirl dream!" I said teasingly.

"Haha, very funny!" Nora said, rolling her eyes."I'm just saying, this has been the best day of my life, and I wish every day could have been like this, growing up with dad!" Nora said, tracing her fingers across the picture." ya know-"

I didn't reply with my usual "yeah" or "I agree," but Nora was too busy fangirling to realize.

"Nora, Dawn?" Flash said, walking into the room in the middle of our conversation.

Based on his facial expression, I could see something was clearly wrong, but even that was not enough to prepare us for what he was about to say.

"What happens to me in the future!" He asked.

The room seemed to freeze as we watched him.

"You said that you spent your whole life with your mom, but you didn't say the same for me."

There it was, maybe Nora was right, or the universe was not in my favor because I definitely jinxed it.

Dawn West-Allen: Part TwoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora