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" I don't know. "I said." I guess I just have more confidence in myself-" I heard that familiar electric sound. "Nora?" I mumbled turning around to face her.

She was out of breath and mumbling something I couldn't understand.

"I can't do it I've tried, over 30 times, and it's not working Dawn!" She said distraught.

"What's not working?" I questioned as she leaned against the wall. "What are you talking about?"

Once Nora calmed down, she explained everything to me. She was reversing time over and over again because Later tonight Cicada was going to kidnap and murder somebody in team flash. The only problem was that it was nearly impossible to know who it would be.

"Why didn't you tell me after the first time?" I Questioned. "Dad said we need to trust each other."

"I know I just thought... I thought I could handle it on my own and I didn't want to scare you or-"

"I'm not scared of the world anymore; you don't have to keep stuff from me." I replied.

"I know but I'm the older sister, so it's my job to protect you." She replied. "I can't risk you getting hurt."

"We're a team, Nora, even more so now that I have powers." I replied. "We make decisions together."

"So, any ideas?" Nora asked.

"How about we recreate the first time and just move killer frost out of the way?"

"I tried that but, I can't recreate it!" She sighed." Something always changes."


"Any other ideas? We're kind of running out of time." She sighed.

"I think I have an idea." I said. "What if we put everyone in different locations." you said someone is always kidnapped at the same location, so just put everyone somewhere different."

"It wouldn't hurt to try. "Nora agreed.


I was supposed to watch out for Mama Cecile, Cisco, and Mom while Nora had the rest of the team.

I convinced Cisco to take Kamilla out for spaghetti instead of coffee and one text to Mama Cecile got her to go out with old friends. Lastly, I had to convince mom to not go to her office.

"Hey, mom! "I said stopping her in the hallway. "You're struggling to write an article, right?"

"I wouldn't say struggling-"

"Great!" I said grabbing her hand and leading her down the hall."Ya know I once read that a change of scenery really helps when you're struggling artistically so how about we go to uhm, the library where it is nice and... quiet and full of witnesses." I said mumbling the last part.

"I would rather work in my off-"

"Great let's go!" I said before speeding off.

Once mom was safely writing at a desk, I disappeared into the tween novel section. I grabbed a random book about sparkling vampires and sat at another desk where I could keep an eye on mom. She glanced up at me and I happily waved back, trying not to seem too suspicious.

"How's everything going?" I said through my earpiece as I pretended to read.

"It's quiet for now, but we still have 30 Minutes so hopefully we can keep it that way." Nora replied.

"What's 30 more minutes-!"

An emergency alarm began projecting from my gauntlet with Ralph's name and Location.

Dawn West-Allen: Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now