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 I had been on the S.T.A.R lab's balcony for almost an hour watching the sunrise and hoping I would somehow spot Nora. I guess I was looking for a sign or something to let me know she was okay.

"Couldn't sleep either?" Dad said scaring me." Sorry."

We began watching the city together in silence. He wasn't mad anymore although we hadn't had the chance to talk about everything.

"I'm sorry about Thawne and lying, and Nora." I began as dad listened. "I thought she would listen when I told her to stop working with Thawne but sometimes Nora can be a bit." I sighed." Excessive."

"It's okay." Dad replied." I'm sorry too. I was wrong for leaving you guys, but we'll figure it out together." He finished.

"Pardon my interruption-" Sherloque began scaring us. "But I also owe you and your sister an apology. Your secret was not mine to tell and I'm sorry." he finished.

"Thank you, Sherloque." I said, shaking his hand.

"Now, since that's out the way..." he said walking back into the building." Apology tea for everyone!"

"No thank you." I said." I've had more than enough tea the last few months."


"How's it going with the tachyon scanners?" Dad asked.

"I have three more!" I replied.

I placed one on the dumpster in an ally before running half a mile and placing one on CC jitters. Another half mile I place the last scanner on our favorite pizza place in case Nora decides to stop for a snack.

"That was the last one." I said into my mic.

"Head back to S.T.A.R labs." Mom replied.

"Actually, can I stay out a little longer?" I began." I was going to check the city one more time." I said to mom as I began running.

"Yeah, that's fine-"

"Just don't trip the"

Cisco was cut off by a blaring alarm in the background.

"-Tachyon scanners" Cisco finished.

"Sorry, I'll try to stay away from them, far away from them!" I said whispering the last part.

"Be safe." Mom said.

"I will." I replied before turning everything connected to S.T.A.R labs off except for my gauntlet.

I ran to the same spot dad found me when I ran away. Far from a tachyon scanner and the satellites, Cisco was using to track Nora.

"Gideon?" I said into my gauntlet.

"What can I do for you Dawnelle West-Allen." She responded.

"Can I connect to Nora's gauntlet?" Gauntlet.

"Nora West-Allen's location is unknown but you can send a message. would you like to send a message?"


I asked her to meet me at my coordinates within the hour to talk. In the message, I promised her it was just me and that no one else was involved.

"Message sent." Gideon voiced as I took a seat on a rock nearby.

All I had to do now was wait and hope she showed up. The day seemed to be going slow yet fast. 15 minutes turned into 35 minutes, and so on. Eventually, two hours went by, and still no Nora. I had given her the extra hour just in case but if I waited any longer mom and dad would call.

Dawn West-Allen: Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now