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"Besides a mild concussion." Caitlyn said shining a light in my eyes." you are okay and should be completely healed in 30 minutes, maybe less."

"Thanks, Caitlyn." I replied.

We were in the med bay while everyone else was waiting in the cortex. I looked over at the blob lying in the other bed.

"What about Ralph?" I asked." is he going to heal?" I asked Caitlyn.

"I'm not sure yet." Caitlyn said with worrying eyes." I'm going to explain to everyone else what's going on, you try to get some rest." she said leaving the room.

I began talking about the comics Ralph let me borrow to pass the time. Eventually, an hour passed without me even noticing. I felt better over 30 minutes ago but I just continued talking.

"Being bit by a radioactive spider and gaining superpowers just doesn't seem realistic." I argued sitting back in my bed." I mean what scientist would let a radioactive spider escape? There should have been more security measures taken-"

Through the glass window, I could see everyone gathering in the cortex as Sherloque showed them something.

"We can finish this conversation later." I said to Ralph as I left the Med-bay and joined them.

Mom wrapped an arm around my shoulder as I stood next to her.

"Feeling better?" She asked as I nodded.

"Dibny solved the greatest mystery of all!" Sherloque said holding up a stack of papers. "The Flash legacy, how to stop Cicada, repentance for his past sins-all the reason Eobard Thawne was helping you!"

"And stopping dad from disappearing in the future." Nora added.

"Disappearing in the future is a part of it, yes." Sherloque continued. "But this has nothing to do with your father. The real reason that Thawne wishes to defeat Cicada and destroy his dagger, because, the dagger is the only thing keeping the reverse flash in prison." he continued "Cicada's dagger has been dampening Thawne's powers all this time."

"He was lying to us the entire time." I said." I knew it!"

"So, if we get rid of the dagger now, it disappears in the future?" Caitlyn said.

"And Thawne gets out of Iron Heights." Dad added.

"A reverse time hack-" Cisco added.

"Everything you said about Thawne is true." Nora began. "The only person he ever helps is himself-"

"Nora this isn't your fault." Mom interrupted.

"Yes, it is! Dawn was right I shouldn't have trusted him." Nora said leaving the room.

"Now the question we have to ask... do we stop Cicada, or do we stop Thawne?" Sherloque asked.

"No, we're not going to let thousands of meta-humans die, now or in the future." Dad said." We find Cicada, we destroy the dagger once in for all."

After the meeting, Dad went to find Nora while the rest of the team dispersed. We were getting closer and closer to finding the dagger which meant I could only have hours left and I wanted to make the most out of it.

I finished my conversation with Ralph about the Comics even though he couldn't hear me. I was then able to catch up with Caitlyn, Cisco, and Sherloque before they tested their theory on Ralph.

Next on my list was CC Jitters to visit a good friend.


Dawn West-Allen: Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now