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"Consider the cat saved!" Nora said in my earpiece."Okay, what else do you have for me besides saving cats from trees?" Nora questioned

"I'm not sure what you're expecting at 10 in the morning!" I replied." Even criminals have a time for crime!"

The purple dot on my S.T.A.R lab's tablet that I stole from the cortex room began moving again. I leaned back against a shelf full of cleaning supplies as I sat on the floor, almost knocking a broom down.

"Oops!" I said, trying to steady everything.

"What's wrong?" Nora asked as she continued running.

"I almost knocked a broom down!" I whispered, hoping no one else heard the noise.

" a broom? Where are you?" Nora asked.

"I'm in the janitor's closet!" I replied, looking around the darkroom that reeked of chemicals.

"Aren't you supposed to be training with dad?"

"I could ask you the same question!" I replied giggling.

"Haha, very funny!" Nora replied." But I'm not the one discovering she has powers."

"And who's fault is that?" I said sarcastically.

"How was I supposed to know to check for a dampener in your head? I'm a forensic scientist, not a doctor!" Nora replied." I'm not the person who put it there either, although I would love to hear mom try to explain that one!"

"Caitlyn said mom probably implanted it when I was a baby, so the back of my head was the safest option for a newborn!"

"That makes it ten times worse!" Nora replied." In a baby's head,? honestly, what was mom thinking?"

"It's fine, and I'm fine now. That happened a long time ago-" I thought about what I said." Or hasn't happened!" I said jokingly.

"Terrible time jokes? Yeah, you're feeling better!" Nora replied laughing."Okay, but in all seriousness, what are you doing hiding in the janitor's closet?"



Three days earlier...

"Try picking up speed Dawn!" Flash said, clapping as I was running around the speed lab." maybe that will help!"

I had been running all morning and nothing speedy had happened yet, just sweat and jello legs. I'm beginning to believe that Caitlyn doesn't know what she's talking about, although I'm not sure how else they would explain me not needing glasses anymore.

"How's it going in here guys!" Mom said, walking into the speed lab.

"Terrible!" I shouted out of breath.

"It's not going terrible." Flash said, chuckling." You just need to find your center, kick off and go. You can do it!"

I ran down the slope to where they were standing and rested my hands on my knees as I tried to catch my breath.

"It's... not... working!" I replied breathily." I've been running for almost two hours now. Maybe grandma Nora or... speed force and Caitlyn was wrong- maybe I don't have powers!"

"Caitlyn double-checked!" Flash spoke up." And you do have speed force in your system, you just need to focus-"

"I am focused and it's not working!" I said crossing my arms.

Dawn West-Allen: Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now