15 | The After Party, Part I

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CW: This chapter contains mild sexual content & misconduct. Reading discretion is advised.


Cydney sat on the bench, leaning back on her hands and staring up at the sky. The dark strands of her ponytail danced about in the gentle winds, while her body glowed under the moonlight, like a goddess of night.

She was stunning, like always.

"Cinna!" Lyn exclaimed.

Cydney turned around. Standing up, she pushed out a small smile.


Lyn's heart melted right off her chest at the sight of that smile on that gorgeous face. She picked up her pace and staggered forward. With her drowsy gaze fixed on Cydney, she inevitably tripped over her own feet and fell—right into Cydney's outstretched arms.

They collided, with Cydney's hands wrapping around her waist. As they steadied themselves, Lyn took the chance to hold onto the petite woman's arms; it wasn't often that she could be hugged like this, and she wanted to keep it as long as possible.

"Lyn, be careful," Cydney admonished.

Widening her smile, Lyn crooned, "What are you doing here, Cinna? Come back with me!"

"You're so drunk..." Cydney tilted her head away. "Sorry, Lyn, I'm not very good with crowds, so I'll- I'll just stay here for now..."

"What? You should've told me that! I'll chase them away for you."

That invited a soft chuckle from the dark-haired woman. "Why would you do that? You invited them."

Lyn shook her head. "It doesn't matter, I don't care about them. I'll chase them all away. Come on back, Cinna, I missed you so much."

Cydney's expression was a mix of exasperation, amusement, and 'why-is-she-like-this'-ness. Lyn had to stifle a giggle. She had always loved seeing Cydney's flabbergasted reaction to her antics, and today, Cydney seemed more flustered than usual—and cuter than usual.

Finally, Cydney let out a long sigh. "Why do you always say things like that?"

"Hm? Say things like what?"

"You know, things like... like... like 'I miss you', or- or 'I like you'... Things like that..."

Lyn pulled the woman closer. "But it's the truth, Cinna. I do miss you, and I do like you, you know that! I tell you that so often!"

"Y- You do... but I... You really shouldn't say things like that..."

"Why not?"

"Well, b- because... because..." Cydney's eyes darted around; her cheeks were now painted pink. "Because it makes me feel... it makes me confused..."

"Confused?" Lyn could not help but let out the giggle she had been holding back. "What are you confused about, Cinnamon?"

"I- I don't know... Everything, okay? I'm... I'm confused about everything..."

Despite Cydney's sullen grimace, Lyn continued laughing. "Everything?" she teased, cupping Cydney's pouting face with her hands. "Cinnamon Pie, how can you be confused about everything, hm? How is that even possible?"

"S- Shut up..." Cydney grumbled softly. "It's not... It's not funny..."

As Lyn's laughter subsided, a thought flashed across her mind. It was a thought that had consistently plagued her, and she had consistently pushed away. But, right now, it might be the alcohol messing with her brain, it might be the way Cydney was sulking, it might be her grumpy but adorable expression, or her pink lips that were puffed out into a cute, little pout...

Whatever it was, for once, Lyn decided to act on that thought instead of ignoring it.

She leaned forward and planted a kiss on Cydney's lips.

It was short, but sweet—so, so sweet. Cydney's lips were as soft as her cheeks, while her tongue was as gentle as her touch. It was everything Lyn had imagined, except for the fact that Lyn was drunk.

And she shouldn't have done that while drunk.

When they parted, they stared at each other in disbelief for a long time.

Shit, shit, shit. She kissed Cinna.

She kissed Cinna!

Why the fuck did she do that?

Her body was frozen in shock while her heart thrashed wildly through her chest. The fog in her mind had vanished, and she found herself staring at Cydney's face with the utmost clarity, staring at her round, glistening eyes, staring at that beautiful, beautiful face of hers...

"Lyn, you're drunk," Cydney whispered, breaking the silence.

Lyn wanted to apologize. She wanted to peel her hands away from Cydney's face, to step back, to tell her that she didn't mean to do this. But her body betrayed her by staying still.

"Mmhm," was all she could manage to say, while her hands were still holding Cydney in that same, tempting position.

Why wasn't Cydney moving away? Why wasn't she pushing her away, or saying anything? Why was she still looking at her like that...

Then, Cydney's hands reached up and tugged at Lyn's shirt.


Another tug came, and Lyn's knees buckled. Dropping her hands onto Cydney's waist, she pulled her in for yet another kiss.

This time, Lyn let herself go completely. Cydney did not resist, but she trembled under Lyn's firm grasp, letting out a soft moan every so often, which drove Lyn even crazier.

As their kiss became increasingly passionate, Cydney staggered backward, and they fell onto the bench. Climbing on top of Cydney, Lyn pressed their mouths together even more, penetrating as far as she could, tasting as much of her Cinnamon Pie as possible.

After a while, she slid a hand under Cydney's shirt.

The petite woman slapped it away instantly.

"D- Don't..." she gasped as she pushed Lyn away.

Any other time, Lyn would have stopped immediately. But her mind had gone blank when she felt what was on Cydney's skin—and whatever she felt was not normal.

"What was that?" she demanded.

With a forceful yank, she pulled Cydney's shirt up, revealing a slim torso covered in scars. Criss-crossing all over her abdomen, the marks looked just as terrible as they had felt. They were rough, disfigured, and a thousand times worse than the few scars on her arms. It was as if someone had slashed a knife across Cydney's stomach a million times.

"Don't look!" Cydney screamed.

She pulled her shirt back down to cover her mangled body, but it was too late—the dreadful image was already burnt into Lyn's memory. There was nothing on Lyn's mind now, except rage. Pure, seething rage.

And an intense desire for vengeance.

"Who did this to you? I'll kill them!" she bellowed, grabbing Cydney's hand with way too much strength.

"Ow!" Cydney yelped. "Let me go, Lyn!"


A small spark of electricity exploded in their hands, finally snapping Lyn from her frenzy.

She blinked, and as her vision focused, her heart sank. She had been so overcome with anger that she did not notice the tears that were streaming down Cydney's cheeks.

"Oh, shit," Lyn mumbled frantically, "shit, shit, shit... C- Cinna, I—"

Cydney wriggled herself free from Lyn's grip. Then, she gave her a hard slap on the face.

"You idiot!" she screamed, before sprinting away and leaving a stunned Lyn behind.


A/N: ............whelp.

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