51 | The Failed Interview, Part II

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Sin-Ni failed the Dawn Avengers interview.

Before transporting to this world, she had been a star student, acing all her tests, passing all her interviews. And now, about five years later, she failed her first-ever interview.

Failure had never ached so much.

She crouched on the floor and began to sob.

Why was it so hard to do anything in this world? Why couldn't she go anywhere without being shunned, or lied to, or snubbed? How much more did she have to suffer before she could leave this stupid world, leave everyone here, and go home?

A cup of coffee splashed onto the ground next to her. What the hell? Sin-Ni looked up at the perpetrator, and her heart almost flew out of her throat.

Standing behind her was Lyn, the lightning mage. Her emerald eyes were glittering with concern, while her smile was crooked with embarrassment.

"Ah, shit, I'm sorry, oh god, I was just- I was taking something and it slipped out of my hand. Ah, I hope it didn't splash on you, I'm super sorry." Lyn's hands floundered around like a fish out of water, but she managed to pull a handkerchief out of her pocket. "Anyway, I, uh, wanted to give you this."

"Oh..." Sin-Ni felt her head flush red. Taking the cloth with trembling hands, she dabbed her tears away. "T- Thank you..."

"I'm really sorry about the mess," Lyn continued her flustered ramblings. "I saw you running out of the building crying, so I just wanted to help, but of course I had to ruin everything with this. I- I hope I didn't scare you too much."

"No, it's okay..."

Lyn glanced back at the Dawn Avengers headquarters. "Did... Did something happen, by the way? I work there, you know, and it's not often you see a pretty girl run out of there crying." She let out a nervous laugh. "So, if anyone hurts you in there, I can help you, for real. Just let me know."

Sin-Ni stared at the puddle of coffee. Her heart was fluttering like crazy, but a stone had dropped inside her stomach. Lyn was being so kind to her, but it was obvious that she did not recognize her at all. She had winked at Sin-Ni, had called her cute, and had encouraged her to apply for the guild, but now, she didn't even recognize her.

"Ah, sorry," Lyn added, becoming agitated again, "I know I'm annoying, so just ignore me if I'm bothering you too much. Sorry, I'll leave now—"

"N- No!" Don't leave! "It's just... I- I can't do basic magic, so I get made fun of sometimes, that's- that's all."

"Oh." Multiple expressions flashed across Lyn's face before she settled on anger. "That's terrible. Who does that? Did someone from the guild make fun of you? Do you remember who they are? Let me know who and I'll scold the hell out of—"

"It's okay, it's- it's someone random..."

"Someone random? I knew we should stop letting random tourists walk in and out of the lobby like that. I know it's just the lobby but if some of them treat girls like this, that's just not—"

"No, no! It's okay, really, don't worry about it." After that shouting match she witnessed inside, she really did not want Lyn to go back and join in.

Lyn looked like she wanted to press Sin-Ni for more, but she pursed her lips. After a while, she broke into a smile. "Well, at least let me treat you, is that okay?"

Sin-Ni blinked. "Treat me?"

"Yeah, since the guild I'm in caused you to cry, so I sort of feel responsible. Also, I did just lose my coffee." Lyn gestured at the ground and chuckled. "Hey, how about this new cafe down the street? 'Jen's coffeehouse' or something? It's kinda new but I've been wanting to check it out. What do you think?"

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