61 | The Last Battle, Part II

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The moment the witch walked through the door and spotted Lyn, she scoffed. "You're still alive."

Lyn's eyes twitched. "Yes. She wanted to stay with me."

"Oh really, now?" Sybil settled on her seat and leaned back. As she folded her arms, the multiple magic suppressors on each of her arms clanged against one another, while her grey hair draped over her body like a silver waterfall. "What did you do to her for her to make that poor choice?"

"I didn't do anything to her," Lyn growled. "She chose me."

Sybil raised her eyebrows. "Hm. So, why are you here?"

Lyn glanced around. Other than the few guards by the door, the visitation room was empty. She leaned forward towards the speak-through holes of the glass partition, and whispered, "I- I need your help. Or rather... Cinna needs your help."

That got Sybil to sit up. "Did something happen to her?"

"Yeah, she..." Lyn gulped down the bitter taste in her mouth. "She may have been taken by... Han and the gang..."

"Are you kidding me?" Sybil slammed her fist on the table; the sound from her hand and bracelets resounded across the glass barrier. "You promised you'll keep her safe!"

Lyn lowered her head. "I did, I- I didn't expect this to happen—"

"I knew I should never have trusted a quester," the witch spat. "I thought I could finally let that girl live her life, but you, you just had to ruin everything, don't you? You just had to ruin everything about her life, time and time again."

Sybil's every word cut into Lyn's heart like a sharp spear, and she bit back a whimper. "I'll- I'll save her. I'll definitely save her," Lyn insisted, trying more to convince herself than the witch.

"Of course you'll have to save her!" Sybil threw her hands up and waved her arms around like a pair of maracas. "I'm stuck in here, and the ones outside are useless!"

Lyn gritted her teeth. "I'll be much more useful if you tell me where I can find Cinna. I know you used to be friends with that old man. You must know where Cinna was taken to."

"Yeah, congratulations on achieving the bare minimum of usefulness." Sybil snorted as she leaned back on her seat. "And no, I do not know where Gazini is at. Gazini and his group of bloodthirsty wolves operate just like we do: traveling around the world to avoid being caught. If I knew where they are located, I'd have told the QA about them a long time ago."

"But... they were in a castle." Lyn frowned, recalling Cydney's memories. "They never moved around."

"The castle moves, idiot," Sybil explained with an exasperated huff. "Every other day, the whole building gets transplanted to a new location."

Lyn did not expect a situation like this. "Oh... If it moves, how am I going to find them?" she mumbled, dread slowly creeping up her heart.

Sybil's strained expression seemed to say, "You can't." Instead, she sighed and averted her eyes. "Priya has the ability to track Sīn-Sīn. It won't be very exact, but it'll give you the general location."


There was an uncomfortable pause as Sybil maintained her gaze on the wall next to her. "She's part of my... She's part of the Witches. You'd have to bring her something that belongs to Sīn-Sīn's for her magic to work well, like the hair on her comb, for example."

Part of the Witches? Lyn's body jolted up in excitement. "That's perfect! You and your Witches were super powerful! Where can I find her, and the rest of the Witches? They're friends with Cinna, right? They'll help her, right?"

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