40 | The Truth Serum

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Lyn let out a roar as her fist met the wall with a hard thud.

Fuck the QA, fuck Brendan, fuck everyone. Fuck all of this.

Yet again, she had been unable to help Cydney. She had to watch Cydney get taken away by the QA, too exhausted to run away, too tired to argue. She had to see Brendan's stoic face again, scrunched up in disappointment, body averted away from her as if avoiding her on purpose.

"I can protect her too!" This sentence rang in her head. She had insisted that to Sybil a few weeks ago, so naively, so confidently. But look at her now, useless, once again. Cydney was taken away.

But how could anybody see an adorable girl like Cinna—drenched in blood and fainted on the floor—and deem her as "a dangerous threat"? Were they blind? And why did they even need to cuff her up? Did they not see that she was injured? They were a bunch of heartless assholes.

Lyn let out another roar and punched the wall a few more times. Spots of red painted the pristine white walls. She would have kept going, if not for the familiar voice behind her.

"You seriously need to calm down."

Emily was standing on the other side of the lobby, hands folded across her chest.

"How can I?" Lyn said through gritted teeth. "They won't let her out!"

She waved at the reception desk at the end of the room. The receptionist had shrieked and ran away when Lyn had shouted at her, locking the door to the department behind her. "And these people won't talk to me! These- these stuck up, condescending f—"

"The QA doesn't have time to be talking to you, idiot."

"But they have time to arrest someone without evidence?" Lyn bellowed. She kicked the wall this time, leaving a brown stain under her bloodstain. If she could, she would paint this entire room red and brown.

"You're ridiculous." Emily sat down on the leather couch next to the desk. "Stop making a fool of yourself. The more you do, the less they want to talk to you."

"They locked the door on me! What do they want me to do? Blast it open with lightning?"

"Don't be an idiot." Emily rolled her eyes and ran her fingers through her blonde hair. "I spoke to the people in charge of this case."

That finally got Lyn's full attention. "Oh, what did they say?"

"They're linking her to a lot of crimes," Emily said with a small sigh. "They think she's involved in this rigged open quest, and that she's the notorious Crimson Witch... and that she's also..." —She gulped.— "a blood magic user."

"Oh," was all Lyn managed to say before she turned her gaze away.

"You don't look shocked, so I guess you knew about these, huh." Emily let out another sigh. "Anyway, because of these suspicions, the QA is currently preparing their team of attorneys. Cydney is in big trouble if she does not have one too."

"That's right, she needs lawyers." Lyn nodded, her mind gradually clearing from her anger. "I can definitely help her hire a team. I'll help her hire the best ones, and then we're gonna beat the shit out of them," she spat out the last few words while glaring at the locked door.

Emily chuckled. "You're gonna hire them for her? You're gonna bankrupt yourself, you know that?"

"I don't care."

The blonde woman shot Lyn a strange look before lowering her head. "Yeah, well, good for you," she whispered, "but I went ahead and decided to be nice, for some reason. I've convinced the guild to sponsor a team of lawyers for her."

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