21 | The Worst Commission, Part I

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The door swung open, revealing a weary Cydney. Her swollen eyes widened in surprise at her visitor.

"Lyn," she croaked, "why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be at the team meeting?"

The forlorn expression, as well as hoarse voice, rained daggers into Lyn's heart. "I canceled it, Cinna. I- I wanted to see you."

Ever since the duel last Friday, Cydney had not been coming over to her place. She had thought that she would at least get to see the petite woman during the scheduled team meeting, but she did not show up this afternoon either.

Therefore, Lyn had abandoned the team meeting without a second thought and showed up in front of Cydney's room.

Cydney let out a weak chuckle. Her eyebags seemed to suggest that she had not slept at all since the duel.

"I'm sorry, Lyn. I thought I told Millie; I- I wasn't feeling well."

"No, no, it's okay, you should rest." Lyn lifted her hands and showed off the bags she was carrying. "I brought some soup for you. And I also bought the bubble tea you always get. I- I thought maybe these will make you feel better."

A glint of delight flashed across Cydney's eyes. "Oh, Lyn, you didn't have to."

"Of course. Anything for you, Cinna. Can I come in?"

Cydney gave her room a quick scan before nodding. "Sure."

Lyn stepped in and took the chance to observe the room Cydney called home. It was modest and cramped, with no decorations or furnishings beyond a twin bed on the end of the room. Even though this was the first time she got to see the place in full, Lyn was sure that this looked a lot emptier. At the foot of the bed sat a large backpack that appeared to be filled to the brim.

Realization dawned on her. "Cinna, are you... packing? Are you going somewhere?"

Cydney did not reply right away, which made Lyn even more agitated. Dropping the bags down on the floor, she took Cydney by the shoulders.

"Are you going home, Cinna? Are you going back with Han? Was that what he was talking about during the duel? He was saying something about finding you and- and asking you to go back, or something, right? So are you doing that? Are you going back home with him?"

Cydney laughed at Lyn's influx of questions. She placed a hand on Lyn's, her touch as gentle as ever.

"Can I have some soup first, Lyn? I'm hungry."

"Oh, okay, yeah, sure."

Cydney laid a few pillows on the floor for the two of them to sit on. Humming to herself, she took out the container of soup Lyn had prepared.

Lyn, on the other hand, was frowning and tapping her fingers restlessly on her crossed legs. The thought of Cydney possibly packing and leaving still plagued her.

There was nothing Lyn wanted more than for Cydney to be happy again, so this was a good thing, right? It was a good thing for Cydney to go home, to go back to her family and friends, to smile and laugh again like in those pictures of her past, right?

So why was she so upset by that idea?

"Don't go, Cinna," she blurted. Regret hit her immediately, and she added, "Sorry, I... That was selfish of me. I- I shouldn't have said that. You should go if you really want to, and you should always, always do what's best for yourself, but... I- I... Well, just know that I'll miss you."

A small smile tugged at Cydney's lips. "I don't want to leave too, Lyn."

"So you're staying? You're not packing... to leave?"

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