35 | The Second Farewell, Part II

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Lyn tried to reach for the bowl, but the chains rattled on her wrists, holding her back.

"Oh, right, sorry Lyn, I forgot," Cydney mumbled.

Sitting down on the chair, she took a scoop of the soup and offered the spoon to Lyn, which Lyn slurped up as fast as she could. She must be in a dream—Cydney was not only here, right next to her, in person, but she was also feeding her soup. The liquid slid down her throat, warming her chest and calming her heart.

"Y- You made this, Cinna?"

"Yeah, do you like it?"

"Yes!" Lyn nodded, but a little too vigorously that she knocked on Cydney's hand. The bowl tilted to the side and a splash of soup spilled on Lyn's shirt. "Oh, sorry, Cinna..."

"It's okay." Cydney chuckled.

She took a handkerchief and started to wipe; her head leaned dangerously close to Lyn, the familiar aroma of her shampoo piercing right into Lyn's heart. When she was done, she looked up. Their lips were a breath away.

"Cinna," Lyn whispered, "I've missed you."

The petite girl froze at that statement, a strange mix of emotions ran across her face.

Despite the lack of response, Lyn continued, "I've missed you so, so much, Cinna. I dreamed about you every night, and- and every day I could only see you through that eye-fone you left behind, and it crushed me inside because it made me miss you so much more." Her voice faltered, but she pushed on, "Cinna, please, come back to me. I want nothing more but to be with you again. Please."

Cydney kept her gaze lowered.

"Me too, Lyn," she whispered before wiping her eyes.

"Oh, no, Cinna, don't cry..." Lyn's heart broke into a million pieces. She tried to wipe away Cydney's tears as well, but her hands remained in that awkward, bound position. "Uh, Cinna, could you maybe get me out of these?"

"I can't, Lyn." Cydney put down the bowl of soup. "I'm sorry, but I can't go back with you."

"Why not?" Lyn asked. She remembered what Sybil had said and added, "Is it because of the QA? I can protect you too, Cinna."

"It's- It's not..."

"I will never let the QA do that to you again, I swear! I'll be smarter this time, I'll get you a lawyer and everything, and fight for you. Remember the money you earned from your duel? I saved them all, didn't even touch a cent, so we can hire you a team of lawyers. I'm also back doing quests and earning money. I have my own savings too, I even gave up getting myself a lawyer so that I can spend them on you when you come back. And my apartment! My parents bought it for me but I can sell it for you! We can do this, Cinna, I can help you—"

"Lyn!" Cydney cut her off, her eyes shimmering with tears. "It's not about that. I don't need protection, I- I just want to go home, and... and Sybil is helping me with that."

"Well, I can help you with that too! Whatever she can do, I can too!"

"It's not that simple." Cydney shook her head. "I wish I could explain more, but Sybil is my best shot at going home."

"I... I don't understand...." Lyn stared at Cydney, frantically trying to search for clues in her face. "Just tell me, I'll help you in every way I can..."

"I'm sorry, Lyn, b- but, I've been trying to go home for years, and ever since I met you, I... I've been putting that behind me. But the QA made me realize that I don't belong here, and I need to go back, even if that means I won't see you again..." Cydney paused as if to stop herself from sobbing. Then, she forced a smile. "But it's okay, Lyn, once I get home, everything will be normal again for you. How have you been, anyway?"

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