Anything Is Possible

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We sit for a while outside by the river that divides our land from theirs, just staring over to our home and I never would've thought I'd feel tension like this. The land should be unified and yet we sit here and wait for our brothers to come and potentially bring us harm... I can only imagine how Jake and Seth must feel. As I look out over the water I feel a heated presence come up behind me, wrapping a comforting arm around my waist making me feel a little better.

"What's on your mind Love?" Jake asks quietly as to not disturb the figurative peace we are standing in.

"What are you, Seth and Leah going to do when you have to fight our families?" I ask, turning to look at him and I can see the hesitation on his face.

"I don't know, Addy. I'm hoping it won't come to that. I'm hoping we can talk about all of this. We'll just have to see." He just shrugs and that doesn't help my worry..knowing my fiancé and uncle could be at each other's throats, literally.

"Hey Jake, the Cullen's are offering us a place in their home if we want it." Seth comes up behind us and we break apart slightly and I see Jake slip into Alpha mode.

"I don't know if Leah will go for that, and I don't feel comfortable leaving your sister out here by herself. But you're more than welcome to head inside Seth, you too Addy." He finishes looking down at me, and I shake my head, not very comfortable with the idea of being around an unknown hybrid creature, but Seth nods and heads inside.

"I'll let them know, and I'll call you if anything changes." Jake just nods and I sit on a log suddenly feeling the fatigue from the day.

"I'd really rather you be in there and be safe in case the guys try anything."

"I'm literally one of the safest people here, Jake. My uncle wouldn't hurt me or let the others hurt me, and I'm protected by being an imprint." I see the worry in his eyes and wish he wouldn't worry about me when there's so much stuff going on around us.

"But I don't know if that's being honored or not anymore Ads..."

"Sam wouldn't hurt me. He's my only family. And not to mention Emily would kill him." He sighs heavily and looks at me, searching my face before giving up and nodding.

"Alright. I don't like it, but I trust you." I kiss him lightly before his phone buzzes and he breaks the kiss. "Looks like they're in need of our help. Let's go see what changed." He says and we make our way from the peaceful riverside to the glooming house.

We walk in to what could be a horrifying scene for someone who wasn't used to the whole vampire and wolves thing...  The stench of blood is heavy in the room, and we see Bella finish whatever was in the styrofoam cup making me gag slightly putting the pieces together.

"So that's the last of it?" Jake just casual talks about it and I wonder just how long Bella had to do that, but quickly move my mind from it before I gag again.

"Bella could deliver as early as tomorrow. If she's going to have any chance at all she'll need more blood." Carlisle states and the tension is thick in the room, full of no doubt hungry vampires. I feel a little sorry for the state Bella is currently in, scared, hurting, and bluntly dying.

"And you need to feed. You have to be at your strongest for her. We need to go tonight." Tonight?! The wolves are no doubt on their way here tonight to take care of the unknown child, they won't be safe.

"Carlisle, you're the enemy now. Sam won't hesitate, you will be slaughtered." Jake seems to read my mind and I nod my agreement, and they pause to think just slightly once hearing the truth of Jake's words.

"Emmett will come with us."

"That won't be enough." I decide to chime in, knowing that all of the guy's focus will be centered on this family in front of us, and I begin to worry for them. 

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