It Has Begun

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Jake pauses at the door, and I can feel the tension rise in the room, but knowing this conversation needs to happen, I'm quite proud of Jake coming over when he was so against it when we left for the Rez. Emily lays a gentle hand on Sam's back and the tension leaves his shoulders just a little bit, and he takes a seat at the table, nodding at Jake to take the seat across from him. 

"Sam, I think we really need to figure things out. I never meant to create such a divide." He gets straight to the point, and as much as I want to stay and listen Emily drags me to the kitchen with her where we can look busy, but still listen.

"I agree, there are a lot of things we need to smooth over and talk about. I will admit first, I responded out of instinct, not with my head and fully thinking that it was still human life that we were making decisions for that we had no place making those decisions for her. And it seems the universe enjoys changing everything up on us and having Seth imprint on the child." He chuckles slightly as Jake nods in agreement, none of us were expecting that. 

"Believe me, I didn't expect him to imprint either, it shocked me as well. But I think, out of everyone, I think Seth was the best option to unite everybody." It was silent for a little bit and it makes me wonder what exactly they could be doing at the table, until I hear Sam sigh.

"I do want to just apologize again, because we are to be family soon and I don't want there to be any bad blood between the two of us and especially between the two packs. I don't want you all to feel like you cannot come back to the Rez and have to stay on that side of the line, because that isn't true. We are all still family and I hope we can move forward as such." My heart swells at how easy this whole conversation is going, and it makes me hopeful for smooth sailing in the future, making me happy that the boys are getting along.

"I can't help but agree with you Sam. It might take Seth and Leah a little to come home just because of how things changed for them over there, but it will be nice for them to know they can still come home."  

"As for you and Addy--?" Sam trails off in a question and I hold my breath to see what Jake will say. 

"I think we will be here, after we find a time for the wedding which if I'm honest, I was hoping we could work out here soon?" He asks Sam and it surprises me that he has thought ahead and is wanting to get married soon. It makes me smile that Jake still wants to start our lives together, and I hear Sam chuckle making me smile. 

"I don't see why you both need to wait any longer. We're good at putting together weddings around here, especially Emily, but you two deserve to have this happiness." I grin looking towards Em who also has a wide smile, no doubt already thinking of what she's gonna do for our wedding.

"Thank you Sam. I'm glad we could move past what happened, and continue to be brothers. I know this means a lot to Addy, and to me." I can hear the smile in his voice and it makes me happy, because I know he was worried about this conversation. I hear the chairs scrape on the floor and what sounds like pats as they no doubt are doing the "bro hug" the boys tend to do, and with a smile on my face I head back into the dining room and Jake wraps me in his toned arms.

"I'm guessing you heard how that went?" He chuckles and I look to him with a false shocked look.

"What do you mean?" I pretend to not know what he's talking about and I jump as his fingers suddenly begin to dig into my side in a tickling gesture.

"Oh? You have no idea what I mean? Why do I not believe that?" He chuckles as I try to get him to  stop and I hear Sam chuckle.

"Sam! You're supposed to help me!" I get out around my giggles, watching as he only puts his hands up and continues to laugh.

"I am not getting in on this! You've made your life choice with him." He chuckles and I can only glare shortly before dissolving into giggles as Jake continues to tickle me.

"J-Jake, stop it please!"

"Well, since you asked so nicely..." He stops shortly, bringing his face close to mine, and for what feels like the first time in a while, he brings me into a sweet kiss and I feel like everything is going to be alright.

"So what is this I hear about planning a wedding?" Emily comes back into the room, announcing her presence and so we break apart smiling at each other before I smile at Em.

"We were thinking about having our wedding here soon, since we've had to put it off for a bit now with all the bloodsucker drama."

"How soon we talking? Where are you guys wanting this to happen? How many people we thinking?" Em starts to fire off questions, but thankfully I've been thinking about this a little bit for a while, just trying to come up with ideas for when we were able to finally plan it, so this is going to be relatively painless.

"I think October 15th will give us enough time to let people know and get things planned without too much stress?" I finish in a question to which Em nods and so October 15th it is, I feel the giddy butterflies return as the date is solidified, making it feel more real now.

"I personally was just thinking family and our friends on the Rez, and Charlie of course. If that works for you?" Jake asks and I nod, knowing I don't really have any friends or family back in Australia that I would want to be here for our day, because it would only bring up bad memories and possibly create more drama than I really want to deal with. It's not like any of them have tried to keep connected with me since I've been here anyways..

"And I was thinking we could have our ceremony at First Beach? It's my favorite place on the Rez, and it would just be perfect." I smile towards Jake and he nods with a large grin on his russet face, and my heart soars at the fact that this is actually becoming a reality, and in a couple months time I will be marrying the love of my life.


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