No Control

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Bella's awake and it seems a sigh of relief has been released by the entire household, and I'm glad for Jake. I understand what that pain is like and so I sympathized with him. Apparently she went hunting with Edward, to uh get her fill, before meeting little Renesmee and everyone hopes this will all go smoothly. Seth and Jake seem the most stressed about this upcoming meeting, only because she's now a part of the tribe being Seth's imprint, and Jake is just worried how protective Bella just might be when learning this news.

Jake and Seth head outside to meet Bella and Edward and so I decide to go find Leah out front and give her some company, not wanting to possibly upset Bella by being around her child.

~Jake's POV~

Seth and I head outside to meet Edward and Bella, and I'm not quite sure how this will all go down.. I'm a bit nervous for Seth if I'm being honest, seeing as even Edward hasn't said much on the subject before Bella woke up, and I don't know what to expect from Bella.

"You guys are still here." She comments as she and Edward stop a couple meters away.

"So are you. I didn't expect you to seem" I shrug with honesty. I was expecting more horror movie vibes in this moment than just a normal conversation to which Bella smiles.

"Except for the uh, creepy red eyes." Seth jokes as we walk closer to them.

"I would...I would keep my distance, for now." Bella cautiously takes a step back, holding her hand up just in case and I can feel her tension roll off her in way.

"It's safer for the baby to see how you deal with us first." Seth steps up, and I just hope he takes this slowly and doesn't try to overwhelm Bella with the whole imprinting thing..

"Since when do you guys care about Renesmee?" She questions looking between Seth and I as Seth and Edward look at each other.

"Alright, your turn to take a whiff." I say to diffuse the tension and get us back on track to bringing Bella inside.

"Well, I can see what everybody's been talking about." She crinkles her nose as Seth and I laugh at her expression.

"Boys, you really do stink." Making all of us laugh, and for once all of this feels normal and there's no overlaying tension from drama making this weird.

"You guys really look great together." I comment with a smile as Seth heads back into the house before the rest of us.

"Wanna come meet our daughter?" Edward questions with a smile and I turn to follow Seth knowing they will be right behind me, and I wanna damage control as much as possible. I stand beside Seth who is positioned next to Blondie and Renesmee and the Cullen family does their hellos and "happy to see ya"'s.

"Rose." Edward chimes causing Blondie to turn towards them and hand Renesmee over to Bella, and so far, thankfully, Seth is playing it cool. We watch as the couple-month-old looking newborn puts her hand up to Bella's cheek no doubt showing her the memories, like she did the rest of us.

"What was that?" Bella asks in shock and Edward goes on to tell her that she is gifted like the other Cullens in the family.

"I've only been out for two days?"

"Her growth is unprecedented." The doc chimes in and as Bella continues to hold her daughter I feel Seth begin to tense at my side.

"Alright, that's enough testing out for one day." He moves slightly forward, out of my grasp and Edward gives him just a quick look.

"Seth, she's doing great."

"I just... I don't wanna start off to heavy ya know?"

"What's your problem?" Bella asks and with a smirk Blondie encourages Seth to continue which mounts my frustration. They seemed all okay with it earlier, and now they wanna throw the poor guy under the bus.

"Hold on a second. Bella." It seems Edward had a similar thought as he takes Renesmee from his wife and she just continues to look at Seth in confusion, and I try not to intervene, knowing it won't help.

"Bella, it's a silly wolf thing."

"What's a wolf thing?"

"Well... uh, aha.. you know we have no control over it. Right? That uh we don't get to choose um who it happens with, but I promise you Bella, it doesn't mean what you think!"

"Take Renesmee out of the room."

I notice her attitude shift and begin to worry for Seth and quickly switch into protector Alpha mode. I won't let her hurt him. I look to Edward and he nods ever so slightly. She simply shrugs off Edward's feeble attempt at calming her down and I watch as she tows Seth out of the house but not before I can catch up with them.

"Bella, wait!"

"You imprinted on my daughter?!"

"It wasn't my choice!"

"Bella, he has no control over it." I reiterate as I try to stand between her and now a very nervous Seth.

"She's just a baby!

"It's not like that! I swear! You should know I would never do anything like that Bella! Especially to you guys!" Seth quickly explains hoping she will listen to his reasoning, but it seems nothing is getting through.

"I've held her once. One time, Seth! And now you want to try and tell me you get some claim over her?! She's my baby!"

"Bella stop!" I begin to intervene as she lunches to hit Seth and knock me out of the way, until she suddenly hits an unseen force stopping her in her tracks for a few short seconds, and that's when I see Leah in her wolf form with Addy standing next to her, right hand extended between us and Bella.

"I'm fine, Leah." Seth grunts out of embarrassment, and I nod at Addy, but she keeps her hand up no doubt not trusting Bella's volatile state.

"You're gonna stay away from her."

"You know I can't do that, Bella. C'mon, you know me. I have no bad intensions or anything... I uh, I just want Nessie to be safe--" I cringe at his use of the nickname, watching as her face contorts in more anger, and I'm suddenly glad Addy didn't put down her shield.

"Nessie?! You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness Monster?!" She attempts to lunge at him again only to hit the shield and throw a daggering glance at Addy, causing me to step forward and a low growl rumbling through my chest as a warning and she stops, looking between Seth and I.

"Bella, you know me, better than anyone. I wouldn't do anything too stupid. Like I said, all I want is for her to be happy and safe. It's wired in me to want to keep her safe, is that so bad?"

She looks back to Seth, a deep sigh coming from her chest as she realizes Seth is right but not wanting to admit it quite yet. Edward walks down from the porch and takes her hand, making her nod slightly before following him into the house and Seth and I release a tension filled breath feeling relief in our chests finally.

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