Bonfires and Beaches

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~Jake's p.o.v.~

I can't begin to wrap my head around what has just happened... First I turn into some wolf that is apparently in our genes and I'm not "allowed" to talk to any of my old friends, explains why Embry stopped talking to Quil and I.

Poor Quil, now he's on his own until he shifts, that'll kill the poor guy. But that means Bella too. I'm not allowed to talk to her, especially since she was dating the bloodsucker in the first place and being natural enemies, makes it difficult to even be near her..

And honestly I thought that was going to be the worst thing about this new life. That's what I was going to ask Sam, if I could just tell Bella and make it easier on myself.

But then I ran into Addy and well everything seemed to shift, it's like I've always needed her.

When I looked into her beautiful brown eyes, all thoughts of Bella left my head and I just had to know Addy, had to have her in this confusing new life. I think this is what the legend of imprinting is talking about, but I can't ask Sam...

Oh shit...

If Sam finds out I am one dead man. Imprinting on his niece.. he already threatened us that she's off limits!

So when Sam got home well you can say I was scared I would slip up or he would be able to tell, but luckily when he asked why I came here and I just made some excuse about patrol.

He says he'll start me in a couple days but I'm not really listening, my thoughts straying to Addy and how alike we are. I mean she likes cars and she knows her stuff! It's like every guys dream!

We all move into the living room while the girls make some food, and I have the need to go in the kitchen and help cook, just to be near her, but that would look strange since, I'm the one who can burn water while cooking...

Man this is such a weird feeling, but its better than having to deal with the pain Bella always puts me through.

By the time dinners ready we are all starving and we rush for seats, and I notice Addy's not here..

I look around trying not to be too obvious when the others notice too.

"Hey, where's Addy? She was just here right?" Embry asks and for some reason my chest tightens. We all look to Emily, knowing she saw her last.

"She went for a walk... I said somethings that apparently didn't go well for her.." Em says hanging her head slightly, but this news makes Sam jump up.

"A walk? In the woods? Damn it." And without another word Sam is out the door with us following.

We all quickly shift, luckily not catching the sickly sweet smell of bloodsucker, but there's a new smell that none of us recognize. Sam splits us all up, and while the others check the parameter, Sam, Embry and myself follow this new scent.

We follow it all the way to First Beach, the cliffs to be exact, but we find nothing out of the ordinary. We stay in the tree line, so we aren't seen, and wait a while longer to see what shows up.

After a while of sitting, we don't see anything and decide it might be better to just head back home. Whatever it was is gone, and apparently not a threat.


~Addy's p.o.v.~

The walk to the beach was just what I needed to clear my head. And sitting on the cliffs, well it's a sight you truly want to see for yourself.

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