Fact Of The Matter

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~Addy's P.O.V~

Swimming in the blackness, I begin to hear voices, not very clear, but voices still. I push myself in that direction, hoping this'll wake me up and I can tell the guys what happened.

But I also don't know how I feel about seeing Jake... Yes, Bella could've been lying, and they all say imprints have the strongest love, but with my past....I don't know what to believe...

"How's Sam?" I hear a kind voice and I try to swim up, wanting to know about my uncle.

"He says he's alright. I think he'll be better though when she wakes up. Any signs?" That's Emily, and I can hear the desperation in her voice and I feel terrible for causing my uncle so much pain.

"Not yet. But with the bigger head injuries, signs might be smaller and I could've missed something. Don't worry Emily, she'll pull through. From what I heard, she always does in these situations."

I hear the smile in her voice, and remember my accident and how I shouldn't be alive from that, but here I am. Knowing this helps me to push harder towards the voices, and I'm met with blistering pain at the back of my head.

"Emily! Sam!" I hear as I moan from the pain, trying to find the cause of it.

"Easy Adelaide, we don't want you moving too much." I finally realize it's the voice of Sue Clearwater and I obey. Knowing that if they called her, my injuries were pretty severe.

Blinking open my eyes, I wince again at the pain the light brings and decide to keep them closed. She pats my hand back to my side, and I try to stay awake despite the pain.

"I've got a salve on your head and jaw and it should take the pain away soon. Do you hurt anywhere else?" Did I? I can't tell. All I know is my head is killing me, and I can feel bruising on my jaw.

"I don't know." I barely get out through the scratchiness of my unused voice. How long was I asleep?

"How long—" That's all I can say before my voice fades and I know it's no use.

"About three days honey. She did a real number to your head, it was taking its time to heal up." I subconsciously try to nod, but end up hissing in the pain the movement caused.

"Where's Sam?" I mutter out, wanting the comfort of my uncle.

"Addy?!" He grabs my hand and I squeeze his in reassurance and I can hear him sigh.

"Why isn't she opening her eyes?" He asks Sue in a panic.

"It hurts my head." I mutter, hearing a quiet, oh, in response.

"I'm so sorry Addy—"

"It wasn't your fault. I was the one who decided to go into the woods." I say, taking a big breath in between sentences.

"See my warnings aren't too crazy now." He laughs slightly before squeezing my hand, becoming serious.

"Did she say what she wanted?" Sam suddenly turns serious and I slowly open my eyes, the pain in my head finally lessening.

"Just to have you lot out of the way. Said I was the best target for that." I shrug, not having the answer Sam wanted.

"The boys are out looking for her, but there's been nothing." Sam shrugs, running a hand down his face, and I can really see the stress in his features.

"We caught her scent heading towards the Cullen's land." I hear in a familiar voice, and it seems my body begins to feel better, as Jake makes his way into the living room.

"How are you feeling Ads?"

He says in concern as he sits in front of me, and I bite my lip remembering what Bella had said, but also not wanting to bring it up in front of Sam.

"Um, better actually, but I think I'd like to lay in my own bed for a bit." I attempt to stand, sending a small look to Jake, and he takes the hint helping me to stand.

"The guys are out front Sam. They'll fill you in." 

Jake says wrapping an arm around my waist as I lean most of my weight on him, my body still sore from my run in, and Sam simply nods watching with relieved eyes as we head upstairs.


"Wh—" I gasp as Jake sweeps me up in his arms, carrying me the rest of the way up the stairs, which I won't complain.

"How are you really Ads?" He asks as he sets me down in my room, and shuts the door slightly.

"Physically, I'm fine. But I needed to ask you something, away from the prying ears of my uncle..."

I sit on the side on my bed, tracing the scratches along my hands as Jake sits beside me and I feel his eyes boring into my head. Mounting up the courage, I can't look at him, but I take a deep breath, cringing at what I'm about to ask.

"What's going on between you and Bella?" I rush out, watching him tense from under my lashes.

"I swear..." He mumbles before raking his hands down in face in frustration.

"Nothing is going on between Bella and I. I can promise you that Adelaide." He looks at me seriously, grasping both of my hands in his warmer ones.

"What did she say to you?" I sigh, really not wanting to bring it up, but I know it'll keep eating at me until I do.

"She said... She said I was lucky. Said that you were a good kisser."

I look at him, my malcontent becoming evident, and I watch as his hands turn to fists in his lap and he suddenly gets up pacing my room. I notice the tremor under his skin and understand why he is stood away from me, he's trying not to shift. I silently follow him with my eyes, watching as he battles the wolf within, his fists clenching and unclenching in anger, and I wonder if my small room would be able to withstand his shift in size.

"Dammit." Is all he says as he tugs at the short black hair on his head.

"Jake?" I call softly, trying anything to calm him down.

"She's lying." He looks at me with sad eyes, the flame of anger diminishing from his eyes.

"She—When she pulled me aside a couple days ago, she tried to tell me that you were taking me away from her. I know, it's stupid. And I told her that." With a huff he sits beside me again, but I feel the frustration rolling off of him.

"I told her, that her boyfriend is back in town and she can't keep doing this possessive bull crap she's been doing lately because I'm not her boyfriend, obviously, and she once again tried to blame you for things, which pissed me off. I told her I was taking her back to the treaty line to meet Edward, and she just...she kissed me."

I outwardly cringe at his words, knowing Bella has always had a thing for Jake, I just thought she'd respect him enough to know that he has an imprint, but apparently her bloodsucker boyfriend isn't good enough for her... She wants my boyfriend too..

"I shoved her off, and went to take her back and tell Edward, but that was when Sam texted and I had to bring her back to the house with me." The room lapses into silence as I kill over what he's told me, which I know to be the truth, and I feel my own anger begin to bubble again.

"She better not show her face here again." I say darkly, glaring at the thought of Bella showing up again and Jake simply laughs, kissing me on the forehead.

"I wouldn't worry about that. Edward seemed pretty pissed when I dropped her off. Although I would like to see you hit her."

He laughs boisterously making me laugh along with him, agreeing that is very much like to hit her the next time I see her. And he kisses me gently, making my heart flutter at the normality of it all, my injuries long forgotten.

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