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The weekend went by in a blur and Jake is pretty much healed, he just can't phase for another day to make sure everything is set well. We decided to walk from his place to Sam's for lunch enjoying the decent weather outside, and enjoying each other's company.

As we get closer to my uncle's, well my house too, I see an unfamiliar black car parked outside and wonder who that could be. And as we get closer dread suddenly fills my chest, and whoever is here isn't welcome.

"You shouldn't even be here Kate!" The name my uncle sneers cause my blood and body to freeze on the outside of the door.

"Ads? Adelaide what's wrong?" Jake must sense my terror and anger, no doubt noticing my frozen body.

"It's mother." I mutter, eyes wide tears threatening to pour.

What the hell is she doing here? She said she wasn't going to come back, and I was fine with that. What could she possibly want? I realized I hadn't moved at all until Jake pulls me into his embrace, and I sniffle finally noticing the tears.

"It's gonna be okay Ads. She can't hurt you here."

I realize he's right, and so with a deep breath and a kiss on my forehead we face the red door, Jake opening it with finality. Sam's head snaps in the direction, and I crumble seeing the completely broken look, with anger in his eyes, on my uncles face and know whatever it is, it isn't good.

"Mother." I state with as much venom as possible in my voice. "Why are you here?"

"Ah, Adelaide. Get your things—" She turns, but doesn't fully look at me, her face hard and impassive.

"Kate don't do this." Sam tries to interject, his voice breaking slightly, and I'm now fueled with rage at my mother.

"No." I state, my voice turning deadly as I feel Jake tense beside me.

"Fine." She grits out storming in my direction, grasping my arm painfully and pulling me out of Jake's embrace and out the door. "Get in the car, Adelaide." She releases me with a shove, and I glare at her hotly, not showing her how painful her grip was.

"No. I belong here." I stand firm seeing the two men I love the most filter out of the small house.

"You are my daughter and you belong with me." Her words shock me, seeing as she was the one to leave me in the first place! I open my mouth to object only for her to snarl in my ear.

"Now quickly before I involve Sam and the authorities." She threatens and I clench my jaw,  infuriated.

"You wouldn't.. He's your brother. But if I remember correctly, family doesn't matter much to you—" She grips my arm harshly again, and I hear the growl of my imprint causing my eyes to flash behind my mother to see Sam holding Jake at bay.

"You want to test me child? He made it clear a year ago how he felt about that. Now, Adelaide."

She growls the last bit, her glare matching mine in intensity, and I rip my arm from her grasp looking at the two most important men stuck at the door. My eyes soften, tears threatening to spill as I watch Jake shake his head, but I have to go...I don't want Sam getting in trouble for nothing, because my mother is a psycho...

With one last look and the shattering of my heart, I quickly mouth I love you, and get in the passenger side of the car. I watch as the familiar scenery blurs by, my heart breaking more the farther I travel from my home, and tears finally make their way down my cheek quietly, not wanting to give my mother satisfaction in breaking me.

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