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To say Tywin Lannister was having a terrible year would be an understatement. It wasn't long ago that he was the most powerful man in Westeros. His daughter was queen and he had people clamoring for his favor.
After they brought Lord Eddard Stark back from their little trip to Winterfell it all went down hill. First his mines went dry, he managed to keep it quiet by flooding the blasted holes. Then his children were arrested! His grandchildren had not one drop of Baratheon blood, and it disgusted him. Incest was one of the things he had hated most about the Targaryen reign. The young Tommen and Marcella seemed to be normal, if not a little dim, but that could also be caused by their sheltered lives. But the oldest, oh he was a disappointment, he didn't know how to hide the madness within him. The little shit would need to die, it was only a matter of how. Then to put the final nails in his coffin, someone had bought out his debt to the Iron bank, and they wanted the money in full. He was sending chest fulls of gold and anything else that could turn a profit to Braavos. Then the Stark bastard was gaining popularity, travelers everywhere sung his praise as they traveled to and from the growing port town.
It was now more then ever that he missed his late wife. She was as beautiful as she was cruel, many of his greatest accomplishments should have been credited to her. Before their imp of a son had been born they had plans laid out for the next 60 years.
He sighed to himself, if only his children had even a fraction of her brains, then they wouldn't be in this mess.

Cersi Lannister was having a grand ol time sitting in the dungeons below the red keep. The first few days she had screamed herself hoarse in rage, then came the tears and promises to be a better person. Then came the woman's usual cold demeanor, she made threats that the guards knew she would never be able to fulfill. She would have her trial, and she knew there was no escaping it, she would lose her head all because she loved the wrong man.

Jamie Lannister, was also in a cell. Unlike his sister/lover he knew the moment the white cloaks came what was happening. He went quietly, he knew his guilt, but he also knew something no one else did. He couldn't have children. A part of him resigned himself to his fate, but if this was what brought him down he would not be going alone. He had loved once, before his sister got her claws in him, she was a tavern maid. She had had the most beautiful black hair and deep brown eyes, they had tried to have a child but after three years, still nothing. Once he killed the mad king, she looked at him with disgust, while everyone hated the king and rejoiced in his death, it was the fact that he could break his sacred vows so easily that upset her. They had gone their separate ways and within the next few years she was married and had a babe on the way. He then went to a maester and his infertility was confirmed. He had tried his best to keep away from his sister, but her honeyed words and his broken heart made him vulnerable. While he had shamed himself and his family, he would not go down for someone else's crimes.

Tyrion Lannister was having quite a different time then his siblings, while he had taken the Stark bastards advice in staying away from Kings landing, he didn't go home. No his travels weren't done yet. Going to each of the great houses he told the stories of just exactly what Jon Snow was doing in the north, and of the bride to be. More and more news was coming from the north about a growing prosperous city, where everyone had a job and a home, where no one went hungry, and were welcomed in the lords home when they were having troubles. He smirk as he read the latest raven from his father. He didn't know how but he had a hunch that his families troubles could be traced back to a beautiful green eyed woman from Braavos. He had no doubt that when she was done the Lannister name would not hold even half the amount of standing it had in recent years.

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