As promised

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Dany sighed again. If someone had been counting it would have been the 23rd time she had sighed since they broke camp that morning. The Khalasar was headed to Vaes Dothrak, birth place of the great stallions. Viserys however was constantly complaining, about riding in the back, about whores, how he needed an army to take back the iron throne. She could only roll her eyes, thankful her husband could not understand her older brother. A soft ding from her satchel alerted her to a letter. She pulled the box out carefully. Inside was a small letter and a vial.

Aunt Dany
I wish to congratulate you on your pregnancy. As of right now we are still meeting with lords of the realm. Stubborn old fools. Amaryllis has included a vial of poison for Viserys. It will not kill him, that would be to nice, it will only put him in a death like slumber. It is perfectly safe.
Once the realm is secured we will fly to Essos to meet. Until then Aunt, safe travels.

King Jon Ageon Targaryen.

She held the little vile in her hands. "Bring me our best wine." She ordered, it was quickly followed. Soon she had a bottle full of wine in her grasp, opening it, she made sure every last drop from the vile made its way into the wine.
"Take this to my brother, tell him it's the best wine we have for the one true king. Do not let anyone else drink it." The slave nodded before scurrying to the back of the caravan. Dany guided her horse to the side to watch. She watched as Viserys grabbed the container from the slave before he smirked and said something undoubtedly rude. She watched silently urging him to drink. The wine moved closer and closer to his lips. Finally! A vicious grin graced her lips, as the wine was greedily drunk by the all mighty dragon. He chugged the wine like a drunkard with steams of red falling from his mouth onto his shirt. She watched gleefully as the bottle fell to the ground smashing, Visery's eyes closed next and his body fell sideways off his saddle. The slave ran to her in a panic with tears in her eyes as she collapsed to the ground begging.
"Khaleesi please, I did not know!" The girl cried.
"You are not in trouble. Have them bind him to his horse. I will not waste anymore time on him."
Her face held a kind smile as the slave bowed and left to do as told. Purple eyes however held a vindictive gaze upon her brothers limp body that was now tied to his saddle.
Kicking her horse gently she rode back to her original position to be closer to her husband.
He had raised an eyebrow in question, charcoal eyes held a worried stare. She could only give him a blinding smile in return, but it seemed to ease his worry.
It seemed she would need to work harder on her Dothraki.

Amaryllis hummed in joy as she walked the halls of the newest royal castle. They were now preparing a royal procession to visit all the lords and ladies in the 7 kingdoms.
They would start in the Riverlands before making their way down into the reach, then to Dorne, the storm lands would be after. Robert would be going with them to take his place as Lord Baratheon. Kings Landing would be next, followed by the westerlands and the vale. Before ending back in the North.
There was so much to do but so little time.
"Do I have to go?" Arya whined as she climbed into a carriage.
She shared a look with her husband both of them tried to hide their smiles as Catelyn reprimanded her daughter for the sixth time that day.
"Safe travels my King, My Queen." Ned hugged them both goodbye.
"Goodbye uncle. If there's an emergency let us know and we will head straight back."
"I will. Use this time to make connections. The realm needs this. It's been so long since a procession has been looked on in such excitement."
"I'm sure they won't know what hit them." She smirked as she hugged him.
"Please watch out for the girls." His eyes held worry.
"Always. They will be safe with us, that I can promise." It amused her greatly how caring he was as a father. It took another hour for them to finish saying their farewells before they could set off.

The road to the Riverlands was long and annoying. Days upon days of travel was something that she never wanted to do again. Next time they would use magic or the dragons. Sansa and Arya's verbal spats were the only amusing thing to happen as they headed south. Their trip came to a temporary standstill as they came to the Twins. A bridge held by the Frey Family.
"What do we know of the Frey's?"
"Walder is a Bannerman for house Tully, they control the only bridge that leads to the north, all trade goes through them and they set the price to be whatever they want it to be. Walder also has a habit of taking new wives whenever he feels like it." Joseph their newest master of whispers said from behind her.
Jon could see the wheels in her head turning.
"We will deal with it after we leave. But not right now."
They were escorted into the main hall.
"Welcome my King to the twins. How may we your lowly subjects help you today."
"We seek passage across."
"Ah I see. I shan't charge you much. I have many daughters, how about taking one as a second wife." He cackled.
Amaryllis was disgusted by his appearance a dirty version of filch was always a bad thing, then to have the balls to offer her husband a second wife!
Jon stole a look at his wife before backing up behind her. "Never mind my love let's take care of this now. Do as you see fit." He ushered the younger members of their party out the door.
"A man who cowers behind his wife! Your no king at all." Suddenly the air was saturated with magic. Walder Frey was slowly flying higher into the air.
"I find your actions despicable. However you haven't done anything to warrant death yet." She growled. "House Frey will be stripped of its seat. Someone else will take over the twins. You have one moon to pack your shit and leave or else I will return and into the river you will go." She brought him closer. She mumbled something under her breath and a blue glow encased him and. "There now you have no need for a wife. You will have no more children. You have insulted your king and his queen. You are lucky to leave with your life." She let him drop to the ground. "We have no more business here. Alexandros!" A tall man in a gold cloak came forward. "You are in charge here until I decide who will become the new lord. Chose ten men to stay behind with you."
"Yes your majesty." He bowed before grabbing his men.
"Will that be enough?" Sansa asked blue eyes shining with worry.
"It will be more than enough." She smirked. "Now let's continue on." The procession crossed the bridge without problem.
Another three days they stopped at Seagard, the house seat of the Mallister family. As they rode into the castle courtyard they were greeted by Lord Mallister, his wife and their three children.
"My king! My Queen Welcome, Seagaurd is yours." Lord Mallister spoke his voice was deep and friendly.
"Thank you Lord Mallister for the warm welcome." He waved his family over. "Meet my Queen, Amaryllis, and my cousins, the daughters of Lord Stark, Sansa and Arya."
"My queen, my ladies welcome to our home. My wife Willa, my children, Sandra, William, and Margret. Sandra will you please show the ladies Arya and Sansa to their rooms."
"Yes father, my ladies please follow me." As he girls walked away they seemed to have started chatting.
After a large feast they settled in for the night.

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