Back to Braavos

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Everything was loaded, the Stark children were saying goodbye to their father. Bran was loaded into the carriage with Lady Stark, Rickon, and Sansa, Arya would be ridding with me. I warded the carriage heavily with protection charms and stabilizing charms, nothing short of an atomic bomb could hurt that thing. The children said their goodbyes to the wolves next while I mounted my horse.
"The wolves are coming with us they will run. The journey to Widows Watch will be easy for them." I pulled Jon in for one last kiss as he put Arya in front of me.
"Take care of them, please." He was worried we all were we were leaving with his family leaving two behind. I pulled out a piece of parchment.
"A gift for you my love, It's a picture of me. My maid has quite the talent. I'm sure you will like it" he unfolded it and quickly stuffed it in his coat, blushing like a tomato. "Stay innocent Jon I would like to explore that side of our relationship together." I winked at him. Giving out two sharp whistles everyone mounted their horses. The wolves stood at attention. "Everyone move out." I spun my horse around and bolted out of the gates.
We stopped every four hours to give the horses a break. And to give Bran more potions I was keeping him in a healing coma until we got on the ship. we made it to the ship within six days.
Hey were three days out to sea when Bran awoke. He had temporary amnesia. They hoped he would remember in the near future.
After two months of sailing they finally made port in Griffin's Hallow. Arya, Sansa and Rickon look on in awe at the statue that seemed to both welcome you but also warn you. The giant statue stood guarding the entrance to the port. It stood 80 feet tall the figure of a woman. A shield was placed before her, with her hands placed on a hilt of a sword that was behind the shield. Her dress was simple but the cloak that draped across her shoulders was elegantly carved. Her head was bowed as if in prayer before a battle, to finish off her regal look sat a crown of gold and emeralds placed upon her brow.
"She's beautiful. Who is it?" Arya asked only to be elbowed my her sister. They laughed at the siblings.
"The statue is of my mother. But I dare say that without coloring, it doesn't do justice to her beauty." I gazed upon the statue of the woman I never got to know. "We have paintings of her in the castle, I'm sure once seeing, you will agree with me." I gave the Stark children a smile.
Within hours the ship was docked and we were on our was to the castle that overlooked the town.
"Father has business to take care of, the first shipment of supplies to Winterfell is to be shipped in three days. He wants to make sure everything gets there on time. I will help you get settled in, a tower of the castle has been prepared for you. It had a library and a garden at the bottom, as well as other rooms that can be used for leisure. There will be a maid stationed in the tower during the night. There will me maids that will be there to help you all shall you need it. But other then that the castle is yours to explore. The only place you must not go into is my fathers solar, unless of course you are invited in. The Stark girls were in awe at the castle.

Further away in Kings Landing Eddard Stark was having a private meeting with the king. They sat in silence drinking the rich dornish wine.
"You know don't you?" Robert finally spoke up.  Ned coughed trying not to choke on his wine.
The doors to the balcony were closed behind them and no maids or whores were waiting in the other room.
"if referring to the queen and her children, then yes I do know. Question is, how do you know? And What are you going to do about it?"
"Fuck Ned. I don't know. I've been bleeding the Lannister's dry for the last seventeen years. But somehow they still have power. If that fucking mountain hadn't of killed those Targaryen brats, we could have raised them to take the throne." He took a drink from his goblet. "Fucking Tywin, he ruined it all, only so he could have more power. I'm alone here Ned and I'm positive I will be dead before the year is over."
Eddard Stark stared at the purple drink in his hand contemplating the consequences of his next words. "What if there was a Targaryen child?" He whispered. The king placed the goblet down. His eyes focused on his old friend.
"If your talking about the ones in essos, the answer is already no. There's y'all the boy is already as mad as his father, and the girl can't even speak for herself."
"No not them. The person I'm speaking of has a higher claim to the throne. A child born during the rebellion, to a husband and wife. A child who has no clue where they come from or their true parentage."
"Enough with this, just tell me Ned." Robert was serious for perhaps the first time in many years this conversation held his full attention.
"Lyanna never loved you, not in the way you loved her. She loved another and bore his child. She was never kidnapped. She ran away to be with him. The war you started was over nothing but false allegations. I swore to protect her son to the best of my abilities and I raised him as my own." His face was fierce as he looked the king in the eyes.
Emotions flew through his face, anger, denial, anguish and finally acceptance. "I knew she didn't love me. I had hoped she would grow to. You have truly stood up to your name of Ned Stark the Honorable. If their marriage was true, then their child is the  rightful Heir to the throne."
"He's been raised right and already has a woman who will love him. But he doesn't know about his parents and it's not something I would put in a letter."
"Call upon you bannermen and those loyal to the Targaryen's, Ned and I will have my brothers do the same. Maybe send a raven to the Gryffindors in Bravvos and ask for their help it's time that the Lannister's payed their debts."
A pop was heard behind the two when the jumped up to look it was a small woman.
"My name Tipsy. Tipsy was told to watch father Stark. Make sure he doesn't get in trouble. Tipsy can get Mistress if you need Tipsy to."
Ned relaxed while Robert was still on alert.
"Your one her special servants aren't you?" Ned asked. The girl nodded furiously. "If she's not busy please bring her here." Before their eyes the girl disappeared with a pop. Before they new it she was back with Amaryllis.
"Hello your majesty, Lord Stark. I was told you need to talk to me?"
"What kind of witchcraft is this!" Robert gasped.
"Well for lack of a better term it is witchcraft, just not from this world. Tipsy you may go." The elf disguised as a girl nodded and popped away.
"I told him about Jon." She studied Roberts face. With a wave of her hand she conjured herself a chair.
"I'm assuming since I'm here he doesn't want to kill my future husband." Ned nodded. "Excellent how can I be of service."
"We want to call the Banner men force the Lannister's out."
She scoffed. "Men, always want to use force. There's something your forgetting, the Lannister's are so deep in debt to the Iron Bank that every bit of extra coin goes to paying those debts. We can use that against them. Callum! Mydus!" Two pops came on either side of her chair. "New assignment, Mydus you will be the kings new shadow. Callum you will be his seen guard. Protect the king with everything you got. If he's being poisoned discreetly switch it out. If he's injured come get me. If he's in danger do anything you can do to get him to safety. This is your assignment. Do you accept."
They put hands over their hearts and bowed.
"Yes mistress." Then they both popped away.
"Callum will approach you tomorrow to pledge his allegiance. He will be a bastard from Dorne. Your wife has committed treason. In a few days arrest her. Send the children to Casterly Rock. Might want to lock up, the kingslayer as well. So he can't help her escape."
The king finally snapped out of it.
"Do you think it will work?" Her green eyes looked him over.
"It will if you do your part correctly. It means you have to be an actual king for a bit and not a drunken whoremonger. I would suggest taking up your war hammer once again. In my old world there was a king who had six different wives. Luckily for us Cersi is actually a bad person or I would feel guilty. Get the people on your side Robert, be the kind of king the mad king wasn't in a good way." She stood up and vanished the chair. "Goodnight gentlemen. Do call Tipsy if I am needed again." And with that she disappeared as if she was never there.

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