Taking out the trash

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It had been a week since her visit to kings landing. Tipsy had been relaying news to her. The Kingslayer and the queen had been arrested and the children sent to Tywin Lannister in Casterly Rock. While the Lannister forces were being driven from Kings Landing, she was buying their debt from the Iron bank. It made her cackle with glee to help cleanse the filth from Jon's future kingdom.  Soon it would be time to root the rest of the rats from the city. Loyal human and elves alike were being put into place. There would be no one in kings landing that would be able to harm her soulmate, she would make damn sure of that.
The days had passed quickly, Arya and Sansa progressed quickly with their dancing lessons. Sansa had been reluctant at first, until Amaryllis showed her just how lady like it could be. The red headed girl was naive, but it wasn't completely her fault that damn septa had filled her head with nonsense. She sat watching the two girls chase cats, giggling slightly, when she felt the presence behind her. With a small wave of her finger the figure froze. She stood up noticing the girls had gone far enough away. Looking the figure over she noticed a necklace. One only worn by the men in control of the faceless men.
"I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but we are going to have a little chat with your friends." She growled, her eyes burning with uncontrollable fury. Grabbing the man by the collar she apparated to the steps of the house of black and white. Thrusting the man forward she used her magic to blow the doors off their henges. Her long dress rippled as magic flowed off of her in waves. The faceless men gathered at the center fountain as their brother collapsed to the floor.
"I will only tell you this once. You may serve the faceless god. But he serves me. If any of you set foot near me or the people under my protection, not even changing faces will hide you from my wrath." Her voice was low full of fury,as her magic summoned the many faces god also known as death. "Do you understand me?"
"Yes my Lady, we will heed your commands Mistress." One bowed the others following.
"You see I don't think you do. How about I show you what happens to those who cross me." She cackled as she threw a ball of pure magic towards the floor. The stone broke with a thunderous crack. With that she left leaving behind only the broken floor and a symbol carved into the stone.
She sighed as she sat back in her chair in the garden. It was always something.

Back in their future home Jon was having problems of his own. His problem however concerned his brother. The acting Lord of Winterfell was making life hard for Jon Snow. Robb had recalled then men Ned Stark had sent with him. Once the food from Bravvos arrived in Winterfell it was burned. On top of everything uncle Bejin was missing. He desperately wanted to send men to help in the search but he couldn't put the townspeople at risk if they were attacked and there wasn't enough trained men to defend. But the lords of the north were getting angry, the food they were promised wasn't delivered and they were blaming him. His fist hit the wall. How could he fix this? The person he needed advice from wasn't here. His father wasn't here when he was needed. Jon growled in frustration. Ghost perked up at the sound. No, he couldn't rely on his father. He was a man he could figure things out for himself. A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.
"Enter." A young squire entered holding a letter.
"My Lord this came for you along with the new shipment of supplies." Jon gave the boy a nod of thanks and took the letter. The squire gave a brief bow and retreated closing the door behind him.
The letter was from Amaryllis.he gently touched the seal. Unlike the normal Gryffindor seal hers was an capital A with a flower in the background. He sat down to read her words.
Dear Jon
I hope this letter finds you well my love. I look forward to the day I can be in your arms once more.
Bran has fully recovered, he is riding and has started training with a sword. He may never remember who pushed him from that tower but I am sure in time he will. Rickon and Catelyn have been doing well. It has been decided that Rickon will be fostered with my father after the wedding. He seems to really enjoy his time here. The biggest surprise of all is Sansa, she has grown in both maturity and mind while here. Her sisterly bond with Arya has now been forged in iron. You will never believe it but they seemed to have bonded over their dancing lessons. I know Arya in dancing lessons is highly unbelievable! They aren't normal dancing lessons. Here in braavos there is a style of sword fighting called water dancing. It concentrates more on being more flexible, faster and lighter on ones feet, then your opponent. Both girls have excelled in it.
Perhaps the biggest change of all is in Catyln. It's hard to describe but you will see what I'm trying to speak of at the wedding.
I heard of what Robb did to the supplies we sent. I unfortunately thought this might happen. Father has sent replacement, at no extra charge. As well as men to take them directly to the other lords. The men will follow your orders, as the future lord of Gryffindor I know you can show everyone just why you were the one my father chose.
I believe in you Jon and I can not wait to see you again.
With all my Love
Lady Amaryllis Jamie Gryffindor

"I can't wait to see you again as well my love." He whispered. Putting on his cloak he folded the letter and placed it in the inner pocket. Here was the answers to his problem. Well one of them. He made his way to greet the new soldiers. Looking into the bay he saw more ships then usual. When who he assumed to be the commander approached him.
"Are you Lord Jon Snow." The man dressed in armor and heavy furs asked.
"You may call me Jon." He held out his arm for the man. With a grin the raven haired tanned man grip his forearm.
"I am Perseus, her Lady ship has told everyone about the man she is to marry. We have heard good things coming from the people."
Jon nodded to the soldier. "We are in a bit of a tough spot at the moment. How many men did you bring?"
Perseus smirked. "Ten thousand. Once our job here is done, half will be sent by ship to serve as protection for Lord Stark in kings landing." That alarmed Jon.
"Why would you need to protect my father?" He questioned.
"I was suppose to give you this first." Perseus rubbed the back of his head while his other hand produced a letter. "The Lannister twins have been arrested, and their children sent to Casterly Rock. It will all be explained inside the letter."
Jon sighed he would wait to read it tonight. "Let's get everyone settled in the castle and start planning on where to send everything. The old gods know these people need the extra food."
He only hopped thing would progress smoothly from there on out.

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