Essos, Dorne, and Beyond the wall.

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Vyseris screamed in rage. His plans were falling apart. If the news from Westeros was to be believed. His brother had another child, a child that survived the rebellion. A son that was being groomed to take the Iron throne.
Outside his rooms the maids looked at each other in fear. The prince had a terrible temper. One that they did not want turned on them so with a shared look they quietly walked back down the hall.
Daenerys could hear her brother screaming from down the hall. She rolled her eyes at his dramatics. She giggled lightly at the thought of her nephew putting such a dent in his schemes. She didn't know what her fate had in store for her, but it was nice knowing that she had family out there other then her crazy brother.


Oberyn was in a rage, not even his beloved paramour could calm his temper. The bastard that had forsaken his beloved sister had another a child. A child that was now in line to become King! Why were the gods so cruel as to take away his sister and her children only for that boy to survive! He didn't understand and he wanted answers, answers he wasn't going to get until he met the so called prince face to face.

Doran was conflicted, while he was angry his good brother had chosen another woman above his sister. He couldn't help but feel relieved that a true Targaryen would be on the throne once more. He had heard the stories from the north of the young prince, how true they were he did not know. Only meeting the man would show just what kind of ruler he would be.


The frightening laugh echoed through the frozen wasteland. The mindless undead did not care but those who could actually use their brains looked on in concern.
The Night king could only laugh, he could feel the power coursing through his frozen body. Magic powerful magic was near and it would be his. It was south of that damned wall and it would be his!

Just a short filler to keep the story moving.

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