My death (edited very small changes)

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Most little girls dreamed of being a princess. I dreamed of being a warrior.
Most girls liked dresses and pretty things. I liked trousers and loose shirts.
Most girls wanted a prince. I just wanted to be loved.
I thought I had people who loved me....but I was wrong.

After the defeat of Voldemort, they grew distant and I grew suspicious and paranoid. On a hunch I removed all of my gold and family heirlooms from gringotts. Leaving a single letter in the Potter vault. I had elves collect every book, every piece of clothing and every magical item I owned and put in a bottomless trunk. That I then shrunk and put on my charm bracelet. My elves and I had a plan incase my worst thought came true.

One day while buying potion ingredients I was arrested. They told me it was because I was a dark lady, whatever that meant. I was stunned then left in a cell for who knows how long. When I finally awoke I called my elf Mipsy. Her instructions were clear. Empty Hogwarts of everything, then burn it and my other properties to the ground, should anything happen to me. Finally after felt like days in the dark and musty cell I sensed someone coming. A hood was placed over my head as I was escorted to the wizgamot and placed in a chair, chains snaked around my body holding me still. Removing the hood I saw several people with looks of glee on their faces. I didn't even get a chance to defend myself against the charges they piled onto me. Finally with a majority vote, I was sentenced to the veil. That was nice at least quickz a painless. Standing before it, I could hear the voices calling out to me. I turned to face the crowd when I saw, who I thought was my family. I sneered at them.
"Any last words Potter?" I was asked.
"You won't get a single Knut, let it all burn." I had screamed before I threw myself into the veil. It was amazing inside, full of color not at all as dreary as one would think. Death had let me watch what happened after I went through the veil. After falling through death closed the veil so no-one could follow, thats when they all fell into panic. Several Patroni came flying in, the only one that got everyone's attention was one from Abeforth Dumbledore. "Hogwarts was burning"
Everyone rushed to the school and they could do nothing but watch as it crumbled. As they watched a goblin delivered the letter that was left in my vault.

Dear whomever it concerns
Are you happy now?
I'm most likely dead, if it wasn't because of natural causes I've instructed the Goblins to deliver this. I emptied my vault and all of my properties of anything magical. Then I instructed my house elves to burn it all to the ground. Since I'm sure I died because of something stupid or someone got greedy, Since I'm also sure I was sent through the veil it's safe to tell you that everything I took went through the veil with me. All 60 million galleons, gems, jewelry priceless magical artifacts, all of it.
So fuck you all you ignorant pricks.
Signed Amaryllis Jamie Potter-Black-Gryffindor-Slytherin-Ravenclaw-Hufflepuff. Owner of Hogwarts.
P.s hope you enjoyed the bonfire

Everyone was in outrage they had just killed the only heir left to the founders. Not to mention the loss of 60 million galleons in the ministry's pocket. No one except a few were saddened by her death.

Death had brought Sirius to join her in the little pocket dimension he had created. They laughed and drank wine over the ministry's misfortune. She had left a couple million galleons for Andromeda and little Teddy, they ended up moving to France with the older Weasleys. Turns out Molly, Ron, Ginny and Hermione had been behind the dark lady charges. As she had assumed. They had told everyone who would have listened that I had, had a soul piece of Voldemort attached to me for most of my life. It would be only a matter of time before I tried to conquer the world. We had a good laugh at that.
Then death brought a forth a deal, he was going to let me live again in another world, I could take anything I wanted with me. I chose all my possession, my house elves who could hope dimensions and Sirius, because I would need a "parental" figure in our new world.
He even told me I would have a soul mate that went by the name Jon Snow. Thankfully, Death supplied us with a full history of the new world. After we transfigured our clothes into more appropriate clothing, we were set to go.

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