Chapter Fourteen

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Black Star wraps his arm around your shoulders, pulling your body closer to his own, causing Kid and Soul to glare at the blue-haired boy.

"Hello, I'm the amazing Black Star, and you are?" he asks loudly almost deafening you with his loud voice.

Yet, that didn't make you enjoy his company any less, honestly, he reminds you of Naruto with his bright attitude, but the blond is less egoistic.

''I'm (Y/n), it is a pleasure to meet you, Black Star'' you reply.

Your eyes must be fooling you because as soon as you said these words, a blush appears on Black Star's face...honestly you find that cute.

''I'm sure (y/n) would prefer if you remove your arm from around her, she seems to be uncomfortable with your behavior''

''I agree with Kid, you can't touch someone without their permission, Black Star''

You raise an eyebrow at Soul and Kid, shocked at why they would assume that their friend is making you feel uncomfortable when in reality you are flattered by the blue-haired boy.

"As I was saying, maybe we should let (Y/n) choose where should she live" Maka announces, cutting off the argument.

"Wait, I don't understand anything!"

RIP to your eardrums.

''We are discussing where (Y/n) wants to stay, at mine and soul's place or with Kid''

''Maybe she should stay with me! the amazing Black Star!'' you sigh and shook your head.

''I r-really don't know who I want to stay with'' you stutter out, feeling embarrassed for not being able to make choice.

And the main reason for you being unable to choose is because you don't want to upset anyone with your choice.

''How about we flip a coin?'' Everyone nods in agreement at Maka's suggestion, Black Star was also doing the same until the realization hits him.

''But there are three places, and flipping a coin offers only two choices to win from'' Soul and Kid stare at Black Star.

''I don't think it is even safe to consider her living with someone like yourself, Black Star'' Kid states bluntly, not giving a damn if he even sound rude.


''Sorry Black Star, but Kid is right, we are more responsible to take care of her than'' you'' Soul adds.

''Um...guys, I'm standing right here'' You huff, crossing your arms over your chest.

''We are all quite aware of that'' Kid says.

The argument starts again, but this time you decide to end it, finally realizing that leaving the choice to them is a bad idea, and currently using a coin won't solve the problem at all.

''ALRIGHT!'' you catch their attention.

''I have decided that I'm going to stay with...''


"This is the room you are going to stay in from now on'' you nod at Kid

''Thanks for allowing me to stay here with you, Kid'' the said reaper lips lift slightly at your grateful words.

You are surprised to not find Liz and Patty around, but apparently, it turns out that they are out on vacation, which means you are all alone with Kid right.

A moment you have always dreamed of, being alone with your favorite anime character.

"I don't need you to worry about anything, I'm also going to speak to my father about enrolling you into the Death Weapon Meister Academy" he guarantees.

"Well, about that...I'm not really going to stay long here, so there is no need to enroll me anywhere" you say, rubbing the back of your head nervously.

Kid frowns at the news of you not staying here for long, it greatly displeases him, the thought of you not being around.

Even though he has just met you today, but he has developed quite an attachment towards you, in his eyes, you represent the perfect woman of his dreams.

You are symmetrical in every way possible, something which is hard to find nowadays in women, so he cannot just let you leave.

"If may I ask, but I'm simply curious as to why you won't stay here for long?"

'Because I travel universes, so I probably am not allowed to stay long unless I pay that greedy Ryu'

you wanted to say that, nevertheless you know that you might not be taken seriously, so you give him a simple reply instead.

"Well, I love to travel a lot, so I don't stay in one place for long" Kid raises a brow, feeling like you are hiding something from him.

"You know..." he inches closer to you, causing you to step back until your legs hit the edge of the bed.

"You should give yourself a chance, maybe you would enjoy it here, plus I will get sad if you leave"

Kid's words make your heart swell with regret and guilt.

You wish you had more points to stay longer in every universe, not forced to travel every time you fall unconscious.

"I will think about it" your sentence gives him hope.

"Well, I will leave to sleep, but there is one more thing I want to do before I leave if you will allow me to" your brows furrow in confusion at his words.

"Sure, go ahead"

You watch as Kid beings his hands towards your chest...before groping your breasts.

"Oh Lord, they are so symmetrical!"



Light doesn't understand how one second you were lying between him and L on the bed, and the next there is no sight of you as if you disappeared in the thin air.

And L is still trying to process what is going by looking in the cameras again only to find no evidence of you leaving the building.

And the cameras are hidden in the room glitches at the last moment you were beside them in the room.

L is sure of one thing though.

That you could possibly be Kira ninety-five percent.

On the other hand, Light is sure that your disappearance has something to do with a certain supernatural creature.

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