30. | Reforge |

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It turns out the small town we stumbled upon is mostly empty, similar to a couple of places we once walked through

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It turns out the small town we stumbled upon is mostly empty, similar to a couple of places we once walked through.

Daniel and Remi set out early this morning to claim an abandoned building and make it more homey. They brought most of our stuff with them, saying they would make sure to pick one of the biggest houses.

I didn't particularly mind whatever they chose.

Daniel needed something to do and Remi needed a good distraction.

Meika spent the day helping us build a small Sigil for Lindon and I. The markings are very similar to those we used when creating the stars.

I love how the strange patterns and lines intersect with one another to carve the song I remember hearing that day. The beautiful violets and jades dancing together, golden bursts of light bursting out of the darkness to forge something new and precious.

Something thoughtful.

A masterpiece.

Or that's what we thought at the time.

I keep making playful jokes to Lindon about destroying this world, to which I only receive dark looks and quirked brows. At one point he even smirked.

But the light never reaches his eyes.

Time ceases to exist as we work together, burning marks into the sand and gathering the few things we need to fuel the enchantments. Some ingredients Meika always had, some were a bit more interesting to find, like baneberry and celosia.

It always amused me how useful and powerful the proper magic could be. While at the same time witch musings tumble through my head and make for interesting teases about the strange human culture behind frog legs and yarrow leaves.

But everything I've ever seen Meika do did have its purposes.

Sealing Lindon and I away in a bubble confused me at first, until I realized some of the merits. Should the reunion be strong enough, blasts of our energy will lash out into the world and potentially alert others.

No one wants that right now.

The finished result isn't any bigger than a large carpet rug, but infinitely more intricate and beautiful.

"I'll stay here until you're both completely sealed," Meika says, giving a glance to Shai' in silent order. "The rest is up to you two."

I take a deep breath and stare at the large circle in the center where we're meant to sit. Feeling an arm slip over my shoulders, I smile at the newfound warmth and reassurance.

Lindon is smiling down at me as well, giving my arm a squeeze before turning to face the large sigil. "Everything's going to be okay," he says, "The stars know we deserve this."

All I find myself having the energy to do is nod. Even after sleeping restfully for the first time in decades, even getting to look at Lindon's stupidly handsome face, I can't fight the pit of nausea and unease growing inside of my chest.

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