20.2 | The Broken Request |

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My eyes flash between Remi's oak door and Daniel's apathetic stare

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My eyes flash between Remi's oak door and Daniel's apathetic stare. His view trained on where the carpet meets steel tracks, something cold and dark settling deep within him.

This isn't the first time he's reacted rashly. Of this, I'm certain.

But the pit I see growing in his eyes and tunneling deep into his stomach has to be the biggest.


"Let's go," he snaps again, turning away from Meika and I. Daniel slips out onto the stairwell and away from us with ease.

No words come to mind or mouth when I nod my quiet goodbye.

Surely the boy thinks we're going to die. Perhaps that's the only reason he's okay with burning the bridge.

Alice and Calvin still await us downstairs, calmly as if no time had passed. Their hair shines under the moonlight, bright like starfire and sparks. It's the only semblance of interest I can gain since their otherwise beautiful appearances feel bland and tasteless in the dark.

Situationally, even the night sky is lackluster at best. Clouds roll in overhead and the lack of conversation is eerie.

Only the sound of gravel and Calvin educating us on the origins of New Delhi echo out against the buildings.

Everything feels timeless.

My brother is sitting on a throne in the dark of a tower, similar to so many lifetimes before. The feeling he longs for and looks to create at any given chance. At cost to me only this once.

So many things are bound to happen when we enter the large, looming fortress. My heart pounds with irregularity. Sometimes slow, aching and mechanical. Other times with speed and sharp adrenaline. There are hints of a bloodbath or even civil conversation. Murder is the end result.

Dining with Karma would only benefit the taste buds, but not the stomach.

His presence is like a dish cooked to perfection and a coma waiting to happen.

Daniel finds his way next to me, arm brushing up against my side. He reassures himself and pulls his posture up. We're only a few yards away from the entrance, the doors glistening like any other billionaire's empire.

"You know, don't you?" he whispers.

I don't need specifics for this question. All the information is scrawled through every action, every decision he makes.

"I have my suspicions."

Daniel swallows uncomfortably, pushing past the dread lodged in his throat. "I'm sorry, Ira."

I shake my head subtly, glancing behind the heads of Alice and Calvin. "You've nothing to apologize for."

He takes the phrase for what it's worth without saying another word. There isn't time anyway.

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