Chapter 5 - Spilt coffee

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"Morning" I greet my mum with a hug and grab a glass of water.
"Morning sweetheart, how'd you sleep?" My mum asks me
"Amazing, we live in LA!!" I shout excitedly "I'm thinking of going into the local town and get to know a bit" I add
"Good idea, me and your dad need to stay in as we are waiting the arrival of the rest of our furniture from England but you're welcome to go out"
"Thanks, I will change out of my pyjamas and head down to town now" I tell my mum and leave the room.

I go upstairs and open my wardrobe that I unpacked everything into the night before. I pull out a casual white dress and curl my hair into thick beach waves. I slip on some sandals and grab my bag and purse. I'm not sure how much money I have but I know it's enough for a coffee and a few things for my room.

Once I'm ready I look up where the nearest bus stop is and find that it's only a few blocks into town and so am about to my phone away when it rings. Satyana's name flashes on the screen. I answer it instantly, thrilled to hear from one of my friends from home.

"Hey gurlllllll" I elongate for effect.

"Leah, I've missed you"

"You saw me 3 days ago dumb dumb"

"I know, but you feel so far away, anyway how's LA bitch"

"Incredible, the house is like nothing I've ever seen before in my life"

"Oh my god, I'm so jealous, when we coming over?"

"Well I was thinking in about a months time?"

"Sounds good, listen I gotta run, Noah's here to pick me up, I'm meeting his family today"

"Oh good luck Saty, love you, tell the others I miss them"

"Will do babe"

And with that we hung up and by the time we were done talking I had walked into town and was at a cute little bits and pieces shop. I headed inside and found some sweet fairy lights that would go really well on my window seat so I buy them and carry on walking around the town. It's really pretty and every shop is bursting with LA culture.

I see a Starbucks at the end of the road and practically run there. If there's one thing I love it's coffee and I bet proper American coffee is beyond words.

The Starbucks is small and warm. The lighting is cosy and adds a homely feel to it, I have a feeling this is going to be my favourite place to go in the whole city. I can picture myself running here when ever I'm stressed or just dying for a daily dose of caffeine.

As I approach a the barista behind the counter I am fully prepared with what I want to order. Due to it being fall I am going to take advantage of the Pumpkin Spiced Lattes that Starbucks do especially for autumn.

"Morning, what can I get you miss" the barista says and smiles at me.
"A PSL please" I reply and pay her.
"Coming right up, please wait over there" she says and points me further down the counter to the making station.

Another woman is frantically making my PSL and so I take the opportunity to text my friends about my new find. "Here we are" the woman says and passes me my Latte. I take it from her and turn around to find a table, still texting my friends.

Just as I take a quick look up to scan for a table I see a dark figure very close to me and before I know it my Latte has been knocked from my hands and the figures shirt is covered in my coffee. "Oh my god I'm so sorry" I say and quickly look up at my victim, but am met with shining green eyes that make my body stand still and my mind freeze. "Connor Franta?..."

Spilt coffee - A Connor Franta FanficWhere stories live. Discover now