Chapter 4 - A new home

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My dad hands the taxi driver a piece of paper with our new address written on it once we've climbed inside. "Ooh very fancy round that area sir" The taxi man says in a heavy American accent. My dad just chuckles and agrees with him before the taxi starts and we're off to our new home.

The journey from LAX to our new house is about 40 minutes or so and as we drive down our street I watch in owe at the beautiful houses lining the street. "Here we are, 165 eaton place" The taxi driver chirps as he slows down to a stop outside a stunning building with a big garage and a lovely balcony overlooking what I imagine is the master bedroom. There's lots of little trees littering the front yard and a quaint brick pathway leading to a large, white, wooden door. The whole house is absolutely incredible and I haven't even seen the inside yet. I can't believe I'm going to be living here.

"Oh my god, it's amazing, we're actually going to be living here?" I ask to no one in particular. "Yes dear, we knew you'd like it" my mum says and smiles at me. "Come on then, let's bring in the bags" my dad directs as we step out the taxi. My dad pays the driver and helps us unload the trunk of the taxi.

I haul my 3 suitcases into a very well lite hallway and turn on the spot to take in the beauty of the inside décor of the house. "Wow" I mumble to myself as I walk around the downstairs. There's a large living room on one side of the hall and next to that there's a beautiful kitchen with an attached dinning room that looks like it could seat hundreds. "Leah, come put your bags in your room" my mum calls to me. "Oh mum it's beautiful, just stunning" I thank them. They both smile and I head up the staircase with my suitcases in tow.

The upstairs is just as lovely as the downstairs. I walk past a study that is equipped with a deep brown mahogany desk, a large bookcase full to the brim with books and a easel. At the back is a big window looking out onto a beautiful garden with a swing seat and barbecue equipment. I also pass two bathrooms, one with a bath and another with a shower. Then I reach my room.

I open the door and gasp. There is a big wardrobe on the far wall, a small desk and a colossal, king sized bed in the middle of the room, covered in scatter cushions. However, my favourite aspect of the room is the window bench that is fixed to a dip in the wall. It sounds funny but I can really see myself sitting there, with my laptop resting on my legs, fairy lights around the window frame and rain pouring down outside around me. As Connor Franta would say 'So Tumblr'.

I laugh at my train of thought and start to unpack my suitcases. Once I'm done I put the suitcases under the bed and pull out my laptop and Skype my friends. "Hey guys!" I chirp.
"Hi Leah, how's the new house?" Ethel asks me.
"Oh my god, guys it's the most amazing house I've ever seen, I can't wait to get you all over here and see it, when you break up for summer you are all coming straight out here" I tell them
"Hell yeah, only two more weeks and then we will be with you babe" Satyana says.

"Leah, come downstairs, it's time for dinner" my mum calls for me.

"Oh crap, gotta go guys, mums calling, see you ladies later" I tell them and shut my laptop off.


After dinner I receive a text from Alexia.

Al: 'Hey gurl, house sounds great, still up for me coming over before the others? Xx'

Me: 'You bet, when you free? Xx'

Al: 'Next weekend? Xx'

Me: 'Sounds great, book your flights now, text me when you have them! Xx'

Al: 'On the website now, will test you when I know what flights I have booked! Xx'

Me: 'Ok, can't wait to see you babe! Xx'

I put my phone back in my pocket and head up stairs. My phone automatically changed to LA time so I use that to change my iPod and laptop to the correct time for LA. The timing difference is going to be a pain for me when I want to talk to my friends as they probably will be asleep when I'm awake and vice versa.

After changing all my clocks I change into my pyjamas and climb into the bed. As I lie in bed, my mind wanders to what my plans are for tomorrow. I'm thinking of going out to explore my new town, try and get used to it. Go to the local shops and cafes, maybe even stop at a coffee shop...

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