Chapter 8 - Filming a video

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"Leah, wake up, Leah" I hear my mum say as she shakes my body. "Leah you've got to get up, it's 10:30 and you are getting picked up by your friend and 11" she adds and I groan and roll out of my warm bed.

I shower quickly and put on some Jean shorts again and a pale blue crop top that brings out the blonde in my hair which I love. I leave it naturally wavy and don't bother putting any makeup on as my face looks relatively smooth this morning.

Once downstairs it's already 10:50 and Connor will be here really soon so I just grab a banana from the fruit bowl to have for breakfast as it's quick to eat, and won't make my breath smell bad which is always a bonus when someone as attractive as Connor Franta is about to come and pick me up.

Just as I'm peeling my banana my mum joins me in the kitchen. "So Leah, tell me more about this mystery boy who suddenly seems to be taking up so much of your time" my mum says in a very mum-like way.

"Well, his names Connor and I met him two days ago at Starbucks like I said, and he's a lot of fun to be around and as he's my only friend in the city so far, I imagine I will be spending most of my time with him" I reply, not wanting my mum to know I have feelings for Connor and that I've had a massive crush on him before I even met him in person.

"Ok, well as long as you're happy, just don't put all your eggs in one basket" she says to me.

"What do you mean" I ask her

"Well, sometimes boys aren't what you expect them to be" She replies and I suddenly feel annoyed at her for thinking badly of Connor.

"Mum we're just friends" I state as the doorbell rings.

I grab my phone off the counter and a jacket from the cupboard and then go to answer the door to Connor. "Morning Mr Franta" I greet him jokily.

"Well hello there Miss Mcintosh, how may you be this fine morning?" He asks, going along with my greeting in a fake British accent. I find myself laughing at his cuteness and nod my head as if to answer him. "Come on then trouble" he says and turns to head for his car. Something about the way he said that made my heart flutter so before I went into over drive I shouted a quick goodbye to my parents telling them to text me if they need me and then shut the door behind me, making my way to join him in his car.


After a short car journey Connor pulls his car up outside a lovely rural apartment on the outskirts of the city, in a quieter, more family based area. The apartment looks beautiful from the outside and I know from his videos that the inside is equally as nice. "Wow Connor, this is a really nice apartment" I compliment him as I step out the car.

"Thanks me and the boys love it here" he says and I suddenly remember who it is he lives with. I've only just started to come to terms with the fact that I know Connor Franta I don't think I'm ready to meet Kian Lawley, Jc Caylen and Ricky Dillon as well. That's just too much to handle for one week. "The boys are all out this morning by the way so they won't be troubling us" Connor tells me and I sigh a sigh of relief. I want to meet them so badly but not yet, I need to get better used to being around Connor first before I start hanging out with multiple YouTubers who I spent the last 3/4 years of my life watching.

Once me and Connor are inside he leads me through to the kitchen slash dining room area. "Can I get you anything?" Connor asks me and I thank him for his offer but decline.

"I'm alright thank you" I say.

"So I was thinking, you could help me film my video and I could show you how I edit them and everything and then we could go into the centre of town and grab some lunch, maybe a nandos or Taco Bell?" Connor tells me.

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