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"Leah, babe did you here me?" Connor asks coming upstairs.

"What, yeah sorry I was just thinking" I reply, coming out of my trance.

"About what?"

"How we met, how we fell in love. I only got as far as to when we first had sex and then you came in and pulled me out of my daydream" I joke and he laughs, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I still can't believe we actually had sex in my parents house, I've never been more sneaky with washing sheets before in my life. But at least that was the start of an amazing journey for us. I mean look where we are now. We have Lilian and are married, and that's pretty great if you ask me" Connor says and kisses my forehead as our daughter waddles into the room.

"Hey baby" I coo picking her up. She buried her head in my shoulder and I smile, pecking her nose.

"I love you Leah" Connor says, hugging us both.

"I love you too Connor"

Spilt coffee - A Connor Franta FanficWhere stories live. Discover now