Chapter 9 - A late night adventure

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Me and Connor spend the entirety of the walk to the beach, with our hands linked together, him leading the way. It made me feel safe to have him taking charge over me like that.

"Oh wow" I gasp as the beach comes into view. It's dark out and so the sanded landscape is empty of people. All there is to see is the deep blue ocean with the moons Rays shining down on it and the dim lighting of street lamps near by that set the sand a glow. "It's beautiful" I tell him and he smiles at me as he leads me closer and closer to the sand.

When we reach the sand I slip my shoes off and walk bare foot onto the warm ground. Connor smiles and takes my hand his again, running toward the ocean, stopping just before the waves can reach us. We sit down on the sand and look out onto the horizon. "Isn't it funny to think that on the other side of this water, there will be someone else looking out just like we're doing" Connor says and turns to me. I nod and smile before lying down into the warm sand, watching the stars.

"It's so peaceful here" I tell him and feel him join me in lying down onto the sand.

"I know, it's amazing, I love just looking at the stars at night. I often think that if people looked at the stars in the sky every night, they would live their lives very differently. It makes me feel things that nothing else can. It brings me a level of relaxation that I only get from the shining nights sky" Connor says as if he's reading poetry.

"How do you do that Connor" I breath, still looking up at the stars above me.

"Do what?" He asks, turning his head to look at me.

"How do you make everything sound so blissful, you manage to find the beauty in the world that no one else I know would even notice existed"

"The world is full of beauty round every corner, sometimes it just has to be looked at in the right way, with the right pair of eyes, by the right person" He states, looking me right in the eyes causing my heart to twist. His words are so simple and yet so calming and freeing to me. "I may not remember much in this world, but I always remember when I see beauty, it makes my heart feel so warm and at peace" He says slowly, pausing at the end before continuing. "Like when I saw you Leah" He whispers and takes me hand in his.

I lay there, trying to process his words. I must of misheard him. Connor Franta can't of just said that he thinks I'm beautiful. Can he?

"Wh...What?" I stutter, turning my head to look at him laying next to me.

"I think you're beautiful Leah, you are the beauty I see in the world. You make my heart feel so full, you're funny and charismatic and I've only known you for 2 days but I feel like my entire life has been leading up to me meeting you. I've never felt like this about anyone before and I can't keep this in any longer" He says sitting up, bringing me with him before continuing.

"Your smile alone makes the world make sense to me in a split second and my soul feel full. You make me want to laugh and cry, run away and dance, smile and frown, you make me feel alive Leah Mcintosh" He says and I feel tears prick my eyes.

The words he just said rake through me, making my stomach churn and skin to be inflamed in goose bumps. I never thought I would hear words like that and I especially never expected them from Connor. They sounded like music to my ears and the heat my body is feeling is too much to handle. All I can muster is a small smile as I look up into his green eyes, his face only slight lite from the light of street lamps in the distance. I feel like I'm looking into his soul and its a blissful, chaotic moment that I never want to end.

He leans in to me, wiping the tears that are streaming down my face from my eyes, with the pads of his soft thumbs. They are so warm and safe and I've never felt happiness like this before. "Connor" I moan as he leans in closer and closer until his face is inches from mine. We rest our foreheads together, looking into each other's eyes before he connects our lips.

In that moment I feel like the stars a-line and my body ignites as the kiss becomes deeper. He runs his hands from my hair, down past my cheeks and onto my waist before leaning his body weight into me, making me lay back down onto the warm sand. He hovers above me, breaking our kiss to look into my eyes. The moment is too much for me so I tilt my head up to meet his mouth again. He smiles into our kiss and puts his hands under my head as a pillow, before burying his head in the crook of my neck, his hot breath tickling my neck.

"Connor" I breath out, still stunned by what has just happened.

"Ssshhh, just watch the stars" he whispers, still resting his head on my shoulder, causing every word to ripple through my ear from the close proximity of his voice.

I do as he says and look up to the stars, just basking in the feeling of his breath on my neck and the beauty of the LA nights sky above me. We lay there for several minutes before he starts to sit up. "I had no idea you felt that way Connor" I tell him as I too sit up, holding his hands in mine. He rubs his thumbs over mine making me feel at peace.

"How could I not, you're stunning. You have come into my world and changed it completely, I know it's only been two days but I feel like we've been destined to meet and I never want to let you go" He says kissing my nose.

I reply by leaning into him and kissing his soft, plump lips again. We pull out of our hug and embrace in each others arms, still sitting on the sand of the empty beach. "Come on Con, let's go home" I say standing reaching for his hand to help him up. He accepts quickly and intertwines our hands, walking away from the ocean and toward my house.


When we reach my front door I lean into him, inhaling his scent. Thank you so much Connor, for everything" I say, kissing his lips.

"Goodnight Leah" he says.

"Goodnight Connor" I reply, walking into my house, being left to try and comprehend what happened this evening.

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