Chapter 1 - Breaking the news

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On Sunday morning I was woken by the sound of my dad calling from downstairs for me to get up. I groaned and rolled slowly out the warmth the bed cocooned me within.

I got up, got dressed and then went to the bathroom to freshen up. Then I headed downstairs and sat down at the kitchen table where my dad had laid out a lovely breakfast spread. "Thanks dad" I said and helped myself to a sausage and some eggs. "So what are your plans for the day, Leah?" My dad asked me, trying to make conversation. "I'm going to do some studying and then stare at YouTubers faces for hours on end, the usual" I said smiling brightly at him. "Leah Mcintosh you are 20 years old, do you not think you are too old to still be watching YouTube?" My dad said laughing at me.
"Of course not, you're never too young dad" I joked winking at him.

Me and my dad have a very tight relationship. It's just me and him and my mum in my family and so being an only child has lead to my parents being very close to me. When I was 5 years old my mum was pregnant with another child but the baby was still born. My parents were so devastated by the loss of the baby boy that they never tried to have another again. I would of liked a sibling, if nothing else it would be someone to fan girl with over hot YouTubers such as Joe Sugg and Connor Franta. He's my favourite YouTuber: Connor Franta. He is so funny and charismatic and his videos are so entertaining, not to mention his God like good looks.

After my breakfast I loaded the dishwasher and decided to head upstairs to get some studying done. I study French Language at the university of Cambridge in order to become a French teacher and it is so interesting, but a lot of work. I'm constantly studying.

As I was heading up the stairs I heard my dad call back to me "Oh Leah, your mum and I were thinking about going for a meal later, we've got some things we should discuss" he said and smiled. I nodded and carried on to my.

It would be nice to go for a meal tonight actually. I should take the break from studying occasionally I suppose. I realise my mum was not at breakfast with me and dad and so she must still be in bed so I decide to go say hello to her.

"Hey mum" I said as I poked my head around the bedroom door. She was sitting up in bed reading a book. "Morning Le" My mum said cheerfully, using my nickname for extra affection. "Dad said we're going to go for some dinner out later tonight, is that right?" I asked, subtly trying to get her to tell me what it is they want to 'discuss' with me. "Oh yes, yep, you're up for a meal aren't u?" She asked me. "Yep I am, what are you going to discuss with me?" I ask as she clearly didn't get the hint. "Your dad and I have got some news that we need to share with you but we will explain at dinner" she replies, making my curiosity grow. "I'm going to get up now and go do some shopping, is there anything you want me to get?" She adds, changing the subject. I tell her to grab some more biscuits and then leave her to get dressed and head back to my room.

Back in my room I am left wondering what my mum and dad could possible want to talk to me about. My mind races with thoughts; maybe they can't afford to send me to university anymore, maybe grandma or grandad is ill...maybe mum or dad is ill.

Too many thoughts are running through my brain and it starts to stress me out so I decide to watch some YouTube to calm me down. I turn on my computer and deliberate over who to watch. I start watching a collab between Joe Sugg and Caspar Lee and soon am in fits of laughter but still have completely forgotten about the thing mum and dad need to 'discuss' with me as it's still bugging me so I decide the best thing to take my mind of it is a Connor Franta video.

I go onto his channel and select a video called 'Reacting to old profile pictures' it's so funny to see him so young, with his long hair and braces. After two hours on YouTube watching video after video of Connor Franta and then O2l videos, I decide to get some revision in before my meal with my parents.


"Right you ready Leah?" My mum said coming into my room.
"Yep I'll come down now" I reply and shut my laptop. I changed my top to something a little more presentable and headed downstairs to join my mum and dad.

When we got to the restaurant I went inside first and choose a table for us all. "So what did you want to talk about?" I ask my parents. I'm hoping it's good news but I have a feeling it's not. "Well Leah, as you know my business is doing very well and head office have just opened a new branch in LA" my dad says and smiles. "Oh that's great" I say happy that it's nothing big, but then he continues. "Yeah it is, and as coordinator of my department I have been offered to transfer to the LA branch in order for a significant pay rise" he adds.

Wait...what, he's moving to LA. What???!!!

"Now obviously I will be moving with your dad to support him but as you're 20 now, you can stay here without us but you will have to pay rent for yourself and live on your own, with us in another continent so we want to make sure you would be ready for that" my mum says smiles at me.

I would be fine living on my own but I can't leave my parents, they're all I have other than my friends, I can't not be living on the same continent as them. "Umm, will be very hard to leave my friends, and I'd have to transfer universities but I can't leave you guys so I guess I'll come with you" I say unsure of my decision. "That's what we were hoping you would say" my dad says and smiles brightly.

They go on to give me more information on where we will be living in LA. They tell me that I can use it as an opportunity to move out of the family home and move in to a apartment of my own. I like that idea as it would be nice to live on my own. In theory I could stay here in England if I am planning to live alone but I couldn't live so far away from my parents. I mean LA is like half way around the world from here.

We leave after eating our food and head home. I'm so tired when we get back that I go straight to my room when I get inside. I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth and put on my pyjamas and then get into my bed. I fall asleep dreaming of what LA will be like; where I will be living, what I will do, who I will meet...

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