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"So," I said licking my finger after eating a handful of fries before grabbing another slice of pizza. "Is that going to be our new home," I jerked my chin in the direction of a commercial about Colorado. "Come on; you know it's calling our name and it's time to leave town. We've been here pretty long."

"We've been here a month."

"Exactly, I can already feel the wolves closing in," I practically sing-singed before I took a big bite of the cheesy- tomato combo goodness.

"Hayley," Cayden sighed and for a nanosecond I tensed as I felt a lecture coming about my gorging myself in food. And then a punch would follow.
Shuddering, I mentally shook myself off as I reminded myself Cayden would never get on my case for enjoying the simple pleasures of life like eating greasy foods. The thought wouldn't even cross his mind. "I like it here," he admitted, looking wistful.

"I love living on the beach too babe, but I'm not ready to defend my home."

"See, even you see it as home, I love it because you've been the happiest here, you've smiled so much. And not those sarcastic or dark smiles you hide behind, but real, full blown smiles."

Grinning, I wiped my hands on a napkin before getting up and throwing myself into his warm embrace. "Cayden. I am home. And I am happiest now that I've ever been. But you misunderstood me. This place isn't what I was to defend. Home isn't a house or location. It's you," as soon as I said it his lips found mine, stealing away the rest of what I wanted to say. About how I wasn't strong enough to have his back and beat down any wolves who dared invade our space. Because that's all a place was. A space. It was Cayden who made me feel at home, who I relaxed around and filled me with such joy I bellowed out laughter when I was around him. Without him in the equation, there would be no smiles. No laughing. Just pure rage and hatred for what was done to me. And a deep despair I would drown in.

"You think I saved you, but you saved me Hayley," he pressed his forehead against mine as his hand snaked against the back of my neck. I tensed for a nanosecond as I'm known to do during a flashback of being with Hunter. Of his cruelty.

But Caydens touch was gentle and so I relaxed in his arms. "You're right, home is us," he kissed me on the forehead before stepping back. "I'll pack, you book us a flight. Our next adventure awaits."

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