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You hold your head in shame
Wondering if you're to blame
As he shoves you down in restraint, calling you every bad name
Saying you're the one to blame, for coming into his domain

Taking a leap of faith, you trusted this snake
Who turned into your biggest mistake
Forcing you to wonder;
How much more of this can I take?


Tonight he did not smile back and it was the first sign that it would be extremely rough for me.
"Stupid Tony, know it all-" he muttered as he entered and slammed the door behind him.

"Oh, Pet," he said his name for me with a bored tone, saying this line almost everynight, "look at you, so sweet, waiting for me?" His eyebrow quirked up and I wanted to scream in frustration.

There were times I fought, and like Hell. But whenever he challenged my wolf, sending mental messages to "obey" my whole body would shake and give in to his command, leaving me helplessly still as he rushed over to beat the living shit out of me for daring to disobey. If only I was strong, no longer would I be rooted like a tree in spot.
But tonight I felt a little brazen. Maybe it was the cocaine giving me confidence.

"Well, I didn't want cracked ribs like last time so yes, here I am, just for you." The old me coming back full force, the sarcastic hard ass I had been before he broke me down until I was a ground down to dust of my old self. A watered down version of who I really was.

I was afraid Hunter would lash out.

Instead he chuckled in amusement, his eyes no longer reading bored as he stalked forward, his icy blue eyes flashing as he combed back his jet black hair with his fingers.

Stupid stupid. Sometimes I wondered if I liked being punished. Sometimes I felt I deserved to be punished.

"Now there's a tone I haven't heard from you in a while," he hissed, a smile still playing at his lips as if we were just joking around. But I knew better. My whole body stiffened in fear, regretting the momentarily lapse in judgement. Sometimes it felt as if I were like a frizzy exploding soda and was fighting to keep the cap on.

There was no escape from Hunter. Never was. He owned me body and soul. "Tell me Pet," he reached me now, his fingers now gliding against the thick gold chain around my neck as my eyes fluttered close as I remembered once again how I belonged to him. In the worst way.

Lined on my neck was a thick gold braided chain, that had a golden heart that said on the front for everyone to see Hunter Silver. The back of the heart pressed to my skin, but no longer as he flipped it over.

Looking down I saw the flash of words "Property of:" no one but him and I knew, this side was there.

Usually, I kept that side of the heart, turned away, allowing his name to flash to everyone else. Like a cute trinket but we both knew the truth. It was a collar. And I was his "pet" his little bitch he loved to big dog every now and then to make sure I knew my place.

"Stop," I pleaded, my hands reaching up to grip his larger ones, hanging onto him, my eyes feeling wide as I looked up as he now half laid on me. "Please." I begged, tears brimming my eyes. "I was just joking," I whispered meekly as my voice cracked. "Don't make it hurt, I'll be good." The words felt like razor blades coming out. I nearly choked on them.

It felt as if all the air had left my chest, as if what remained was stale and cold and a fist was gripping my heart, squeezing painfully as I knew what was to come.

He chuckled as he started ripping my clothes off as I whimpered. "Such a funny pet," he all but purred in my ear.

Shoving at his chest hard did nothing and he didn't even pause as he had me completely naked now.
"Stop it!" I instantly and without a thought, slapped him, almost as a knee jerk reaction to how rough he was touching me now, his face not even turning an inch and he didn't even pause as he automatically back handed me, causing me to fall back against the bed, his strong hand gripping my throat as he pulled me back up to him in a growl, "from now on, you better start waiting for me naked or I'll know you're being defiant." He shoved me back down as he stripped off his jeans, his eyes never leaving mine as I cursed myself for being so bold. But it was hard not to fight back. It took everything in me to let him climb on top of me without shoving at his shoulders, without screaming out, the scream locked tight inside my throat.

Bursting into tears as he started having sex with me, it started to become difficult to breath as I realized I was having a panic attack.

"Please please I can't breathe stop it," I began to cry harder as I gasped for air, the weight of the situation crashing down on me, the cocaine in my system not helping much either as it usually did.

As if I weighed nothing, as if I were just a rag doll, he pulled out of me and flipped me on my stomach in a quick motion. I gulped in a breath of air before I realized his intentions. He always knew just how to make sex hurt when he wanted to. Since my body grew wet when he touched me, it was hard to roughly fuck me to the point of great pain. Unless he went in through the back door.

"No," a piercing scream tore from my throat as he shoved roughly into my ass and started jackhammering into it causing me to feel as if I was being torn open. That's the only way to describe it, feeling as if my whole body was being torn into, as if any minute now I was surly to fall apart in a bloody mess.

"You want me to stop?" He shouted as he kept brutally fucking me, "I'll take it out when you shut the fuck up," he called over my screaming as he continued. And continued. It felt endless.

Sucking in a breath, I quieted down, gripping the bedsheets as tight as I could, feeling the need to just hold onto something as I couldn't escape or pull away from the brutal pain, feeling the burn in my backside as I squeezed my eyes and just held on for dear life, hot tears splashing down my cold face.

Keeping his promise, after a minute of me being quiet, he slowly pulled out. Sniffling and shaking as I tried to control my breathing to hold my panic attack at bay, somehow, but knowing I had to as he flipped me back over. Between my legs he gripped my thighs and yanked my body close to him.

No! I wanted to scream but instead I turned my head away, closing my eyes tightly shut as he started reentering his dick inside of my vagina. Unsanitary, but since there wasn't anything I could do, I tried to ignore it.

Everything in me gave up at that point. No more whimpering, no more screaming, just laying still, closing my eyes, as my body was rocked back and forth against its will. Tears still fell fast and hot but I barley noticed it as I withdrew inside of myself.

People call it your happy place. It's not happy, it's blank, but it's somewhat of a retreat from thoughts and feelings. It's a small escape, very small.

After what felt like forever, he finally collapsed onto me, our cheeks resting together, he chuckled softly, almost to himself, as he pulled back and said,

"I can still feel the tears on your cheeks," as if it was a joke.
Before pulling away, leaving me empty and bare. Feeling sticky from sweat, blood, cum and my own juices. Wanting to curl away from him; some type of relief. But alas. He spooned me close to him, forcing my body to do what he wanted. Growling, if I tried to pull away. Pumping meanly into me if I tried to roll to the furthest end of the bed, reminding me who was in charge. So I had to stay completely still and awake for hours just waiting for him to fall into a very deep sleep, before ever so slowly inching away from him.

I was his in every way and every day I wondered how much longer could I take the abuse and the hurt before I ended the misery that had become my life.

Sorry for the detailed rape scene. I wanted you to live her nightmare with her. Usually with rape, only the rapist and the victim lives in that moment, alone, together, bonding them in the sickest way. And it sucks that no one bares witness to the cruelty that happened to the victim. Making the victim feel almost as if it weren't real, as if it didn't happen, as if they should keep quiet about it since most times there wasn't even evidence of the rape the next day. Not after a shower, washing away the blood, cum, sweat and tears... all the evidence down the drain quicker than the rape they endured.

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