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The following week she still wasn't in school and I started to feel the sense that something just wasn't right with that. Was it normal to skip so many days? Was she worried she wouldn't graduate with the rest of us? And how did that fit into her Ivy League dreams Matt was talking about?

Speaking of which, he came running up to me just as I was shutting my locker door. He wore a dorky yellow shirt with a cartoon figure on the front and had hella books in his arms as he paused to speak to me.

"Hey, I wanted to catch you before I left, there's a pack party tonight, you should come, see how you like every one, possibly join," he said with raised eyebrows as if he couldn't figure out why I hadn't jumped at the chance to be apart of a posé the moment I got into town.

Not wanting to be involved in anything relating a pack, being a lone wolf who howled at the moon by myself, I almost declined. But then hoped beyond hope I would run into the Hayley girl. She was a complete mystery. And I needed to know more. And Matt said she was always at Hunter's parties.

"Text me," I told him and we exchanged numbers.
"Cool! See you there."



Later, wearing faded grey pants and a white T-shirt, I headed towards the house pack party. And the house was huge. It was a mansion and Matt said it was Hunters home.
And wherever Hunter was, so was she. And it wasn't a meeting it was a party so she'd be here.

Walking inside the floors were white marble, the whole place was ten times bigger - scratch that a million times bigger than the two bedroom apartment I lived in. One of their bathrooms were probably as big as my whole apartment. The theme seemed to be grey and white with a splash of gold here and there. It felt like I was in a museum actually.

And there were a lot of people already at the party, the surround sound blasting music out of speaker all over the house. And rounding the living room, I had full view of a huge pool and jacuzzi outside, the windows, large panels, for the best view.

"Hey man you made it! Let me introduce you to some people," Matt, now without his glasses as his wolf eyes shone, glassy as he sloshed alcohol out of his red cup, grabbing at my shoulder to push me to a group of others. Looking back, I saw an older person - the maid? Cleaning the spot Matt had spilled drink in. Wow they were on top of things here.

After making myself known as a wolf and someone who belonged here, I broke away from Matt's rambling, telling him I would return with refills. But knowing there was only one reason I was here.

Her. And there she was, like Matt said, huddled close to Hunter, it seemed all her attention was on him and only him. She fiddled with the thick gold necklace around her throat that was now on top of her shirt as she stared up into his face as he talked to his group of friends.

I noticed she always had the necklace on. Her hair fell down in glossy waves, her now bright green eyes glassy from the alcohol, her cheeks pink tinted. She was breathtakingly beautiful. And she wasn't even dressed up really. She wore a long sleeved turtle neck shirt and tight fitting jeans that were rolled up, her ankles visible. I noticed she had on designer shoes and a very expensive belt. It seemed she either reaped the benefits of being with this Hunter or she was well off herself.

Watching them for a moment as I pretend to look busy by filling up two cups of mixed drinks, I noticed something.
Even though Hunter, was laughing and joking with his friends and seemingly not noticing the girl close to his side, I realized the opposite was true.

Hunters was aware of his girlfriend, his eyes sliding quickly to the side to look at her every so often, his one hand never leaving where it rested on her thigh. Her small hand held onto her red cup and the other gripped her necklace. Boldly, I began to walk up to the group. Needing for her eyes to look up and into mine for even a second. Needing for her to see me. Needing to see within the depths of her to figure out if I was just pushing my past trauma onto her or not.

"Hey," I interrupted the banter between the guys as I approached. The smile never left Hunters face as he looked over at me.

"Hey man, whats up?" He said simply as his friends all watched me silently, none of them calling me out for interrupting.

"I'm new to town, to this school," I began and Hunters face lite up as he stood, offering me his hand, "oh what's up, I've heard about you."

We shook hands and I noticed his grip got tighter when my eyes slid to Hayleys face, noticing that she still wasn't looking up. She stared down into her cup as if there was something interesting inside.

Hunter dropped my hand and stepped in front of me, my view being blocked but still he kept up the easy going attitude.

"We would love to have you in our pack man, my father is the leader but left me the pack for now so just come to me when you're ready to join, until then enjoy the party." He slapped my shoulder, handing me a shot from the table before grabbing his own.
We clinked glasses and I threw back the vodka. The burn felt like an old friend. Nodding at them, I couldn't help myself, I spoke to Hayley.
"Hey you're in my history class right?" I directed my question to her and the air suddenly dropped a few degrees as the loud chatter almost came to a complete stop immediately around us.

Hayley looked up, startled by the silence and noticed all eyes on her. Finally, our eyes connected. One..two..three..fo- and then she was looking away at Hunter, smiling up at him. "Im not sure, is he Hunter?" She asked him as if he was supposed to be answering for her as if he knew every single thing about her and she no longer needed to be bothered being her own person.

Maybe they were in love, maybe I was barking up the wrong tree. When she looked at me I could tell she was on some type of drug by her wide pupils, which wasn't odd, most people at this party probably was, but that could explain the way she always seemed worn down and the lost look in her eyes.
Maybe she was just one of those rich kid junkies who would rather stay high than live in boring reality.

It was possible I was pushing my own fears and past and creating this false narrative that she's someone who needed help. Maybe I had a hero complex. I decided then to back off as Hunter smiled down at her as if she meant the world to him before he addressed me.

"Yeah man, we have all classes together but that one. Have fun, let me know if you need anything, ok?" I nodded as he turned away, giving her a quick kiss on the lips, before turning to talk to one of his buddies.

Dismissed, I knew when I was no longer wanted around, so I turned away and went to find Matt.

I would leave the party and my insane thoughts behind. And leave the poor couple obviously madly in love with each other, alone.

Not knowing why, I looked back and froze as I realized she was watching me leave. Her eyes widened as we made eye contact once again, and she didn't notice as Hunter stared down at her before looking over with furrowed eyebrows as he tried to see what she was looking at, but I rushed out before he could see me.

Later at home, I woke up from my dream of her haunting eyes, why couldn't I stop thinking about her? Was it because she had a face of an angel? Or the eyes of a tormented soul?

Whatever it was. The girl was underneath my skin, on my mind and I knew I couldn't let it go until I could talk to her. Without her guard dog.

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