18. Hayley

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This is where Hayley becomes alpha wolf status and shreds everyone but Cayden in the toom(. Shes shot stabbed, barley hanging to life. It takes her a full two months to recover, having broken nearly every bone in her body. But they do recover and they are happy and safe.(Alia they robbed Hunters house)

"Cayden!" I screamed as he was torn from my arms, thrown back, a bullet hitting his face causing more blood to spray out, I reached down to loom closer and nearly fainted when I saw the bullet grazed his cheek and took a chunk of ear off.

"Make sure he's truly dead and subdue her," I heard Hunter order and it was as if everything froze. All noises dropped away. I couldn't feel them grabbing me, trying to force me away feom Cayden, couldn't feel my body turn to steel as I stayed rooted. Something deep inside of me was clawing it's way up, my whole being buzzed as a whirling sound like a helicopter filled my ears, it was as if I could hear every beta of my heart, feel every fiber of my being.

Cayden had told me once, how he slaughtered his whole pack and became alpha. He said something inside of him snapped and he would never be as fast and strong as he was when he rose up that day and killed every werewolf who had beaten him down, taking the whole pack out as easy as if it were humans he fought. How it was like an awakening. And he knew then and he smelled himself then. Alpha.

At the back of my mind I realized that's exactly what was happening to me. It felt as if all the blood was flowing faster through my heart being pumped with something new inside, a change.

I threw back my head and roared and my vision went red as I shifted so violently, I could feel all my bones breaking. But I couldn't feel the pain.

Everything was a blur after that, but I felt myself shredded it through bodies as easy as one who shred paper. And every stab, bite and gun shot to my body was like water running over me. I was encased with a rage so great, I had a feeling I could murder this whole town with ease.

Finally I came to myself as I stood on top of Hunter. I had shredded his clothes and he was practically naked and screaming, somehow his arms were cut off, what was left was stumps. I wouldn't stop there, I tore off his dick and he fainted then lucky for him as I started tearing each and every limb from his body.

I barley stopped myself from eating him to completely remove him from this earth in the worst way possible but before I could, a soft moan filled my head.
He was laying in a pool of his own blood with claw marks on his chest and dead body parts all around him. I had no idea if another wolf made those marks of it I had jumped on him to attack another. Either way I rushed to his side and yelled at him to shift now that it was ok. My heart stopped as I held him and cried as a human and nearly laughed out in excitement as he slowly shifted into a wolf, laying in my lap for what felt like forever, allowing himself to completely heal before shifting back.

"It's over," he said looking around, looking back at me with pride as he said. "You did it."
I shrugged, "easy peasy."
It was over. I could barley believe it. But it was. And Cayden and I, we were alive. And Hunter was nothing more than blood on marble floors.

"Now let's rob them blind and go start our life ok?" Cayden smiled at my words and nodded. "You're right they owe us a redo."

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