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Smiling brightly at Hayley as I took a seat, I thought she didn't notice until after some time later when Hunter got up to throw away trash, she caught my gaze and gave me a small smile back, as if we shared a secret. Bowing her head quickly and blanking her face just as Hunter turned back. He instantly caught me looking at her and something flashed in his eyes.
But I didn't care about that.

Looking down at my work I tried not to notice as I could see Hunters hand moving to hold hers.

What's wrong with you? Have a death wish? My voice in my head sounded disappointed.
What was wrong with me?
She was in a relationship with someone else. And that someone else was alpha leader, at least for now, with a lot of back up.

Hunter seemed as strong as any werewolf. But he had a small army to back him up, I did not.

As an omega, It took me a lot of training, mentally and physically, but I refused to be weak. Refused to have limitations. And I changed my wolf status from low to alpha in this bitch.

Half werewolves half humans were meant to be weak. But I was proof against that. And my last pack who were all dead for fucking with my dad and I, all of them were dead by my hand. I trained long and hard to break free of their gasps.

But as strong as I had become, I wouldn't be able to take all of Hunter's pack on at once. And it seemed Hunter was pretty possessive over Hayley, I knew he would try something if I tried to get close. But I didn't care what he felt or thought. Hayley deserved friends, other people who listen to her. And by her smile at me today, i felt as if she wanted a friend. And I would find out for sure from her.

After school ended, I walked passed the loving couple and caught Hayley's eyes again, for just a brief moment and I wondered if she felt the connection between us too. Or if I creeped her out.

Once I made it to my old beat up Honda, I opened my door and a hand reached out and slammed it shut. Jerking my head to the side I came face to face with Hunter.
His eyes flashing with anger and coldness. Finally a reaction, his mask had slipped and I was the cause for it.
"Care to explain?" I asked, lifting an eyebrow and stepping back away from him, not liking our faces so close together. I sized him up and he seemed to be doing the same. We were the same in height, nearly 6 ft tall. And built, but he seemed more bulky where I was slender. But that didn't matter, I worked out constantly, training for hours, taking every type of fighting class they had. And I knew I could take this spoiled punk in front of me.

But then there were the five other guys standing behind him.

Even still, I smirked in confidence. Taking in the anger that flashed in his blue eyes.

"Care to explain why you're giving my girl the eyes?" His voice came out in a growl as his face twisted into rage. Pure rage, that gave me a bad feeling about the guy.

"Dude, calm down. Don't come at me because you're insecure in your relationship," I huffed, slinging the strap of my bag higher on my shoulder.

His lips twisted into a snarl. "She's mine, keep looking at her perv and you're going to have serious problems around here," Hunter was barley controlling himself from shifting, I noticed, as his hands started sprouting fur. His thug buddies were inching forwards too, and I realized there was going to be a fight today. Because I wasn't going to lie to appease this spoiled brat.

But before I could open my mouth, a loud thunder of a voice called out to us.

"Everything okay out here?" The school cop who hung out in the parking lot started walking over.
All the males eyes stared me down as they all growled in union before Hunter was leading them away, they all giving me icy looks.

Oh yeah, now I wouldn't feel bad when I sweep that douches girlfriend from right under his nose. It didn't seem him he deserved her anyway. If he couldn't even see the pain she was in, even being as close to her as he was.

Or maybe even being the reason for her pain.

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