Chapter 7

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Just saying, I don't own pjo or the bats and justice league. Uncle Rick and DC does.

"Nico, listen. I didn't know! And I'm not Artemis. Please, listen! I'm a part of Diana, a fragment of her form that decided to exist separately. I'm beyond their control! I'm only here to help, Nico!"

I was angry. I needed to be angry at someone. Diana was the only one involved, or so I had thought. She isn't even a part of Diana anymore.

"Just like that part of Ares I needed to kill. Except I'm nice. And don't hate men completely."

I sigh,

"Whatever, let's just get this done."

"Nico. We need to patch things up first. You can't blame me for something Artemis did, when I am not her. I am Diana Prince, and I don't hate men or have a hunting group. I'm a superhero!"

That surprised me.

"Wonder Woman, right?"

"Yeah. So, are we cool?"

"Fine. So, school. What am I doing?"

"We start with Greek Mythology. Because I need Bruce to think that I'm a good teacher. He'll have his doubts, but I need to sell him."

Diana manipulated the mist around the cameras to look like she hadn't said that last sentence.

"Ok." I smirk, "Let's get started then."

"Right, so... The Olympians..."


Gods, school was so easy. I totally got to rub that in Tim and Dick's faces. Well, Dick was in Uni, but still.

I spent today just chilling, and hanging around. Dick and Tim were busy with the Young Justice and Bruce with the Justice League. So naturally I did the one thing I could think of doing- training. I made my way to the training room and started punching the bag. Basic punching practise. And kicking of course. Then a hundred push ups, a hundred pull ups, a hundred dips. Being a demigod made you naturally stronger, and training with your dad, the god of the underworld for about a year was bound to help in some ways.

I found something I knew I could use. A large collection of swords, katanas, Xiphos, them all...

I was just practising the latest sword trick Percy showed me before I left camp. He said that it was a disarming technique but could be used as offence as well. Moving the blade to stand right next to the opponents, slipping it under, turning it out to the left and kablam, the opponent is disarmed. Try that faster. Again. Again. Again. Faster. Again.

I stiffened. Someone was behind me. I turned, sweeping their feet out from under them before judo flipping them and placing the sword near their throat.

"Woah, woah, woah, what the hell Neeks?"


"Why'd you sneak up on me? And don't call me Neeks" I ask, pulling him up as if that didn't just happen.

"Because Neeks, I wanted to scare you. Now, what the hell was that? How did you do that?"

"I have pretty good senses, and I'm trained in self defense. I've also been kidnapped before." Lie, "so, I'm a bit more wary of my surroundings."

"Where did you learn self defense?" Tim asked, taking in the room, "And did you do all this?" he asked, gesturing to the sliced up dummies and the broken punching bag.

"Erm, I learnt self defense at a summer camp I go to, and my cousin and I took karate lessons. And yeah. I did that." I shrugged, "It's normal." A bit rusty.

"Right. So have you ever thought of joining the batfam? I can ask Bruce if he'd-"

"I dunno. It seems cool, but also really stressful." I say raising an eyebrow at him

"Nah, it's cool. And fun. And you know your doing some good in the world. Your trained, so why the hell not?"

A/N Sorry for any bad writing. :) 

ShadowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora