Chapter 15

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A/N Hey, super sorry for the late update. Hope you like it, and tysm for 4k reads!!!


It had been two days since that fateful night, the one where I got kidnapped, that is. Everything had been going normally. Diana teaching me about the Giant Wars, and starting on some Math, which was horrible. Easy, but horrible. Tim and Dick bickering. The normal nightly activities as vigilantes hadn't changed either. I had IM'd Annabeth a few times as well. Apparently, everybody was communicating to Percy through dreams. Tyson was the closest to Percy's location, in California, but no one can find him anywhere. Turns out, that the three new kids who had shown up at Camp were on a new quest as well. Jason, one of the questers is Roman. Which could only mean, that this Jason, was the one that went missing from Camp Jupiter. I sighed. I couldn't give anybody any information. Even Hazel didn't know that I was greek. Things would play out in time. And I can't do anything about it.

"What are you thinking about?" a voice broke through my thoughts.

"Oh, Tim. Just thinking."

He snorted at me, "Really? I never noticed!" 

I roll my eyes and turn to him.

He was lounging on a sofa near where I was lying down, a controller in hand, and glasses askew.



"So. What would you do if you had a friend who is in a bad situation, and you know something about it but can't tell them because you know that it will make the situation worse?"

"Not tell them. I guess I'll try to hint at it so that they figure it out themselves. That way nothing would happen? I don't know. Why do you ask?"

"Because I have a friend who is in a bad situation that I know something about but can't say."

Tim groaned.

"Well, just divert your attention. As long as you don't say anything, everything would be fine, right?"

"I guess." I hesitate, before getting off the floor of Tim's game room, "How many times must I tell you, I can't play video games? Don't you have enough proof of it already?"

He shook his head stubbornly, "No, I won't accept that! Everybody can play video games. You're... still learning, is all."

"Hmm. Where's Dick?"

"He's in Blüdhaven right now. Just checking up on his city and all that. He'll be back next Sunday for dinner."

"Right. Well, I'm going to go out, is that alright? To the park. I need a walk and some fresh air to clear my head."

"Sure." Tim shrugged, "Just tell Bruce and Alfred."

Nodding, I left the room.

Now to find Bruce and Alfred.


It took me fifteen minutes to find them. Fifteen minutes that I could have spent with Hazel. Fifteen minutes that would have been used in any other way. The wayne manor was almost as confusing to navigate as the labyrinth.  And that is saying something. 

"So, Bruce."

"Nico. How are you?" he greeted, sipping from a cup of coffee, looking up at me from a few newspapers.

"Great. May I go out for a walk?"

Bruce frowned, "Nico, it's just been two days since you were kidnapped. Don't you think you should take it a bit easy?"

"I'll be fine. No one will do anything in broad daylight, except Joker, who is in Arkham, and I'll even take a taser with me, if absolutely necessary." I reasoned.

"Fine. I'll tell Alfred, if he isn't already aware. Be back in an hour at most."

Smiling at my victory, I walked out Bruce's study, down the stairs and out the manor. 

The cold air hit my face leaving me slightly refreshed.

I walked out, behind the manor into a empty street, to the end of the lane. Down the road into an abandoned park. Rubbing my palms together, I sighed, looking at the sky.

"Now, to Camp Jupiter. I must meet Hazel. From what I've learnt on the Giant Wars, and what I've heard from Annabeth, I fear something dangerous is to come. And it's only just begun. If it is true... then we must prepare. For that small chance we won't be crushed."

And so, I slip into the shadows, and travel away.

A/N Sorry again. This is a filler chapter. I'll post another one soon, I promise!

Shadowsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें