Chapter 19

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To call it a rough landing would be an understatement. The free fall ended with me landing face first onto a bunch of reddish purple rocks, before rolling down what seemed to be a small hill. Obviously, I managed to make sure I got the minimum impact by curling into a ball, but it still hurt like hell [pun not intended].

I made sure I had all my stuff with me, before standing up and starting to wander. I mean, I didn't exactly have a map to the 'lands of Tartarus', but I did what I could. Which was basically try to find any one of the rivers. I'd recognize all of them instantly, having seen them before, but... trying to find them in a wasteland of red and purple seemed much harder than I thought it would be. 

There were creatures of all sorts roaming about. This was probably the most grateful i'd ever been for having the non magical ability to seem invisible. I slowly crept through the shadows, one step and a time, ducking behind the large clusters of rocks and hills every time I felt unsure of my safety and position. This was tiring. It was painful. 

 Everything was going decently [as decent as it can be, I suppose], until I accidentally slipped down one of those oddly squishy hills and rolled down straight into a clearing. Filled with Arai. 

The spirits that gift you all the curses you ever have been cursed with [by other people, or monsters, I think]. And it was not fun. I suppose it was to be expected, getting cursed, but it was still shocking with everyone. At least fifty from the battle of manhattan, and a couple from others, like the pain of being stabbed straight through your body from Greyon. And the heap of curses from Minos. There was even a few from Percy... I mean, it was justified- from when I had betrayed him and taken him to Father's palace. To feel the internal pain of betrayal. To feel the walls of a cell closing in on you. To feel the pain of knowing others were in danger, but being unable to help.. because a friend, because family did you in. 

The curses weren't that bad. I mean, they were bad... but not unbearable. The worst one had to be the one from Percy. Maybe because we were close. Or because...because I liked- no... because I like him. 

The arae flew in and out of the clearing, reaching at me, scratching, ripping and slashing at me with their super long nails [claws?]. They sort of resembled wrinkled old figures, darker than the deepest night. 

Another one of those creatures swept in and grabbed at my arm- ah that was going to scar. Blood dripped down the wound as I looked up at the arai, and swung my sword, it radiating with the very essence of the underworld. One other thing I was very grateful to have with me in Tartarus. 

To forget all about your family, but a face... A curse of one who wishes to remember...but is not told, one who is kept in the dark by a familiar...

A hundred voices spoke as one, a harmony chanting the curse I was about to be dealt with- a curse that seemed like it was from-

And then, suddenly, I forgot. My mind was wiped. 

It was all blank. I didn't know where I was. Or what those large creatures above me were. Or why I had a sword in my hand. 

I couldn't remember anything... only that my name was Nico di Angelo.

And that I was in love with a boy named Percy Jackson.

Tim bent his head over his homework. Gotham Academy had started exam week, and the homework didn't get any lesser. 

While he tried to focus [Bruce told him he had to-], his mind was preoccupied with other thoughts. He couldn't help but be worried, for Nico. NIco.. his brother and friend. THey had bonded, despite having near to nothing in common and Tim being Tim was missing him dearly. He had been suspended from Robin activities with the new guy, Red Hood in town. Bruce even had Dick come in from Bludhaven to help him. 

There was no progress on Nico. Diana did heed his advice and visit her family... which was very sudden and suspicious, but Tim had no proof. Nobody knew where Nico was, or how to help him. Even after searching the great archives of the Batcomputer, and the large system database of the Justice League, and pulling up almost all security cameras from anywhere near Gotham, even checking his tracker, there was not a single trace of him. It was as if Nico di Angelo had fallen of the globe. Tim felt annoyed.

Everything was changing. And Tim wasn't a part of it. 

Something that he didn't like. 

A/N Ok, so this chapter is done. Small, quick. Just a bit of a filler, but here it is. I can say that it was not as good as the others, and felt a bit too much, [especially the curses part] but oh well. Here's the 19th Chapter of 'Shadows', hope you like it. Have a good day or night or whenever, wherever you are!!!

: D

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