Chapter 26

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The doors burst open with a bang, Richard Grayson storming onto the watchtower, making a beeline for one Timothy Drake.

"Robin. We must speak. In private. I have an urgent update on case N1C-0."

It must've been shocking for the other Young Justice members to see Robin and Nightwing suddenly acting very suspicious, and very worried. 

The two moved into a private room, where Robin paused, before turning to Nightwing. 

"What happened?"

"Guess who I just ran into on the beach, like twenty minutes ago." 

Tim's hands were shaking, and he gulped, 

"Nico?" he whimpered when he saw Dick nod, "Well, what did he say? Where is he? Why isn't he here with you?"

"About that. He didn't seem to recognize me. We even exchanged names. He had no idea who Richard Grayson was."

"Are you sure it's him?"


"But then how-"

"I don't know, Tim."

"We have to tell Batman."

"Yeah, it's just-"


"He seemed happy. Like truly happy. He has a b- a partner. He seemed in love. And he had no idea about us. It's like amnesia. I don't want him to get hurt because we handled information poorly. These kind of memories he's missing, they're important. We can't just tell him he's our brother. We need to do it slowly, show him familiar objects, that kind of stuff."

"What? But-"

"I agree with Dick." a gravelly voice said from the corner, ending the conversation altogether.

"B!" The boys exclaimed in unison.

"Of course I followed you two, considering how suspicious you were acting. I thought it could be related to league matters."

"Bruce, Nico's-"

"We have to do this slowly. We shouldn't play with a person's memories, TIm."


"No buts, that's it. You'll befriend him in person. Find him tomorrow, ask him where he's staying. Attempt to become friends."

Tim sighed in frustration, before raking a hand through his hair and agreeing.



"Damn Neeks, I'm not going to lie, that guy was totally creepy." Will said, ask he sat next to his boyfriend.

"I know, right? Why'd he seem like he knew me? He seemed almost sure of it."

"I don't know, baby." Will said, kissing his cheek, before turning Nico's head towards him.

Another kiss, soft, and lovely.

"Man, Will. I really love you." Nico said, running a hand through his boyfriend's golden locks.

"I know. Anyways. We should get ready for bed. I got a whole day's worth activities planned for tomorrow. You wouldn't believe it."

"Oh yeah?" Nico said, leaning towards Will, pressing a ghost of a kiss against his lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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